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deathunterx app [accepted]

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

Thank you for applying to Undead Vengeance.

First off, make sure you're well versed in the following:

Global Forum Guidelines

Protocol for Reporting a Hacker/Microphone Spammer

Protocol for Reporting an Admin

After doing so you will now be ready to move on.

The first phase of recruitment requires that you be screened so that higher staff can vote on your application to be accepted into the one week observation period.

In order to do so, you will need to add one of the following and ask them (if available and willing) to screen you.

Please add your "in-game name" and "Preferred Server" in the add friend comment, as to avoid confusion. This is not necessary, but highly, highly appreciated.



After doing so, your answers will be posted here and the staff will vote on your application. After attaining four votes, you will be initiated in phase two of the recruitment process: the observation period.

Failure to complete the screening will result in a denied application.

Check back often, as updates, comments and suggestions will be made throughout the recruitment process.

Thank you.

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

Question 1: If there was a microphone spammer on the server, how would you put a stop to it?

I would put a stop to it by first asking him to stop if he /she doesn’t listen I would mute then after awhile unmute him and if they still spam ill kick or ban for 5 min If I could

Question 2: In the case of a hacker on the server you are in, what procedure would you follow

I would record a demo of it once I have enough proof I would upload the demo and post a link to it on the fourms

Question 3: In the situation that you are being bombarded with people asking if they can join the clan, what would you tell them to do?

I would tell them to go to joinuv.com and go to the apply here section in the top left corner

Question 4: Would you consider yourself a mature person? If so, why?

Yes because even though im young I won’t talk on the mic if someone asks me to stop and I won’t complain about little things.

Question 5: Why is it that you want to join the =(UV)= community?

I want to join the uv community because I think it’s a well developed clan and its full of good people

Question 6: How old are you?

11 almost 12

Question7: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions set on the application rules?


Question8: On average, how often will you play on the =(UV)= servers and how often will you be on the forums?

Umm I would play on uv servers most of the time and I will be on the fourms quite at bit

Question9: How do you think you can be an addition to our growing community? What makes you unique from the other recruits?

I would try helping out as much on anything even if im not good at it. Or if someone needs help on something I would try to find a solution to their problem

Question10: Would you contribute to discussions made within UV and keep the topics civil?


Question11: Have you ever been a member in =(UV)= before? If so, why did you leave?


im not sure what to vote right now so ill vote later

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However because you are 11, please show signs of maturity. I haven't played with you in-game yet, so I don't know what your like.



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Deathunter, from what ive seen of you, you know when to and when to not speak on the mic and You are mature and your only 12, so keep the WIN up!

Just be sure to stay active on the forums and go to other servers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest ShadySTDs

I seriously never knew how old he is. That came as a surprise to me, NeverEndingXsin I think you should vote yes, he answered those questions like a champ we have some current members that didnt answer as good as he did on them!

He is a good player on Deathrun and listens to me bitch and moan about whatever/whoever and never talks back.

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Hmmm all the comments right now are VERY positive, as long as you don't mic spam like shocker and you know when and when not to use your mic, I think you would be a great member!

Vote yes Sin!

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I vote yes, I haven't had any complaints and your application is good.


- (Super, Clay, Lesbian, Oreo)


You have the minimum number of required votes to move onto the next step in the UV recruitment process, the one week observation period.

The next thing you need to do is read this entire thread:

Additional Registration Information

This thread will be moved to pending recruits now. After one week your application will be re-voted on and at this time you will need six votes to get fully accepted as a member of Undead Vengeance.

Stay active, maintain maturity, post on the forums when possible, and be patient.

Please add "=(UVR)=" (without quotes) to your in-game and Xfire name. If you are not wearing the tags, your application to join the clan may be denied.

Adding the following to your Xfire contacts will be beneficial in the future for questions or comments you may have. Feel free to contact any one of us provided we are available. If we aren't, you can send us private message at anytime by clicking on our respective profiles and clicking "Send Message."


• Phoenix2 (Xfire: uvphoenix2)

• UltimateOreo (Xfire: ultimateoreo)

• Junzou (Xfire: junzou)

• HoboInArmy (xfire: hobo22)

• BeauutifulChaos (Xfire: beauutifulchaosx)

• Llethander (Xfire: Llethander)


• Sandman (Xfire: tannerblood)

• DJKVesper (Xfire: djkvesper1)

• Lesbian Dad (Xfire: palingenesis)

• Supernaut (Xfire: supernautty)

• Claytonian (Xfire: sruclaytonian)

• Projectmayhem9 (Xfire: projectmayhem99 and tehproject9)

• NeverEndingXsin (Xfire: neverendingxsi

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Guest NeverEndingXsin

revote time. i say YES



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Guest NeverEndingXsin

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (BeauutifulChaosx @ May 22 2009, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>




hey chaos, revotes are out of 6 now not 4.

so it stands 3/6


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Guest ShadySTDs

Vote this guy in, respectful fun player I always enjoy seeing on DR when I am on!

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Congratulations! You have the minimum number of required votes to be accepted as a full UV member! Please verify that you are signed up on the following: • Steam Community • Xfire Group Provided you have joined the Undead Vengeance steam group, we will send you an xfire invite shortly. If you don't know how to sign up or accept invites, refer to the following thread: Additional Registration Information Be sure to add the tags to your in-game name, your steam friends name, and your Xfire name. You are now a member of UV, welcome and as always be on your best behavior at all times. After you have accepted all invites/joined all required groups, feel free to put in a rank application in the Rank Applications forum. Tutorials can be found under "Important Topics." We're glad to have you as a member. Welcome to the clan!

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