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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (JDDZip @ Jan 14 2009, 07:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>



/b/ is the internets of all internets.

Pedophilia, Murder, Rape, Bestiality, anything you can think of comes from /b/.

I assume you know what Rick Rolling is, and that's why they were playing Never Gonna Give You Up.

/b/ is extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY racist, and that's why they called them a "n----r", and they said "this is from the internets" because, well, it was.

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Guest Stakes


^Prolly being posted on every thread about this.

If one of the sayings is "Because none of us are ass cruel as all of us", it gives you the general idea.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Stakes @ Jan 13 2009, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>


^Prolly being posted on every thread about this.

If one of the sayings is "Because none of us are ass cruel as all of us", it gives you the general idea.

So to ask a stupid question, this actually happened in real life and it wasn't a made up thing?

or am I not getting the point <_<

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mind╥Spring @ Jan 13 2009, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I cracked up, really bad.

old /b/ and new /b/ are trully far apart but,

I think the internet is coming back to its former glory, we are slowly snuffing out the furry hordes, and scientoligy is becoming flacked with our continued protests,

Lol, wut? Unfortunately, that's almost the opposite of the truth. Just look at FA, lulz, fchan, and the newest addition dammitfreehaven if you think that's true. (Yeah, that's right; Sage and Sechs started their own board.)

Furry is like a disease. It never truly goes away, it just finds somewhere else to fester.

Edit: And I also have to point fingers at /f/lash. So much furfaggotry goes on in there it's almost nauseating.

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Guest snowmankiller

Now you're just being silly, that is an obvious shoop.

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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Llethander (Panda) @ Jan 14 2009, 12:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Lol, wut? Unfortunately, that's almost the opposite of the truth. Just look at FA, lulz, fchan, and the newest addition dammitfreehaven if you think that's true. (Yeah, that's right; Sage and Sechs started their own board.)

Furry is like a disease. It never truly goes away, it just finds somewhere else to fester.

Edit: And I also have to point fingers at /f/lash. So much furfaggotry goes on in there it's almost nauseating.

Any amount of furfaggotry is nauseating.

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Just a few quick things.

1) /b/ is not "anonymous", and "anonymous" is not a entity. /b/ is a board, those who claim to be btards and anonymous act of their own accord without any macro direction or obligation.

2) /b/ used to be thoroughly entertaining. Now it is literally spam and newfags.

3) Reporters need to start actually using the internet so that they don't come off as complete and total retards, like in this article.

But yeah, most people (including 4channers) greatly confuse what Anonymous actually is. It's essentially just whoever wishes to use anonymous posting boards to notify of a plan they have. The lack of obligation or leadership prevents it from being a group of people, it's simply a name adopted by the instigators and participants of multiple events. Each instance of its use is effectively a new Anonymous (kind of poetic, in a sense).

It'd be like if on this board if no one had to sign in and were otherwise all guests, someone said "on this date, this time, go to your local XXXXX and do YYYYYY", there's no guarantee anyone will, and there's no communication beyond the fact.

It's comparative to cell based organizations (like terrorist cells made famous by Cell and 24), but in such cells, there are diagrammed hierarchies of communication that do not have contact with the top, so it's a sort of pyramid scheme for the dissemination of orders. However, in the case of "Anonymous", there's no top, no bottom, it's an amorphous, undulating blob instead of individual cells. No autonomy, no leadership, no head, no tail.

Though, in some respects, the vile aura that /b/'s emanates simply by being on the internet could be cause for hatred...


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<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mind╥Spring @ Jan 13 2009, 10:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

I cracked up, really bad.

old /b/ and new /b/ are trully far apart but,

I think the internet is coming back to its former glory, we are slowly snuffing out the furry hordes, and scientoligy is becoming flacked with our continued protests,

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Llethander (Panda) @ Jan 13 2009, 11:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

Lol, wut? Unfortunately, that's almost the opposite of the truth. Just look at FA, lulz, fchan, and the newest addition dammitfreehaven if you think that's true. (Yeah, that's right; Sage and Sechs started their own board.)

Furry is like a disease. It never truly goes away, it just finds somewhere else to fester.

Edit: And I also have to point fingers at /f/lash. So much furfaggotry goes on in there it's almost nauseating.


so who will join me in battle?

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