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Eve Online T2 prices

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If you don't play EVE this will make no sense, and if you aren't focused on the market or T2 industry then it will make only a little sense.

Apparently (this is still somewhat unconfirmed by CCP) an exploit existed for the past four years that allowed people to shit out complex reactions from POS... without actually doing any reactions. Basically what this meant is that they could create their own reactions, in essence 'duping'. Naturally the R64 stuff (ferrogel, fermionic condensates) would be what anyone would create and probably comprised the majority of the exploiting.

So, what does this mean? Basically by shitting out free reactions these individuals were able to produce T2 stuff - ships, modules, ammo, components etc - at WAY BELOW ACTUAL COST. This depressed T2 prices by a lot, since the exploiters were able to sell at cost or even below cost and still profit. And of course, they could just sell the reactions by themselves if massive shortages (and thus price increases) occured. Now that this money faucet has been closed, over the next month or so T2 prices will increase.

It won't be an instant thing because the market doesn't react instantly to broad changes in materials cost; people have their stockpiles and will continue to match existing prices. But eventually as existing inventory is cleared out and people have to restock, they will find that complex reactions are now being sold in both reduced quantities and at higher prices. While CCP has yet to confirm that this is an exploit, they posted a topic on their forums saying that an exploit was found and patched and assets, ships, starbases (POS), etc were confiscated. All the signs point to this mysterious exploit being the reaction-based exploit discussed above.

TL;DR: Stock up on T2 right now just in case. Worst case scenario this is all a lot of hokum, in which case you can liquidate your T2 and break even (or hell, maybe even profit a bit). Best case, you'll have a stockpile at reduced prices that you can use yourself or sell later down the road for a sizable profit.

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Guest Fohacidal

Still got freaking 70 mill ISK and a Caracal in there and I cant PAY FOR THE GAME WITH R/L MONEHZ

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Reactions are already way inflated past what I see as their future price; the idiots who are still panicking and buying all they can are retarded.

I'll say this here since none of you have the isk to represent a threat to me. While the reactions are ridiculously overpriced atm, for some reason idiots are ignoring what the reactions are ACTUALLY USED FOR. Buying the end products is where the money is at; the cheap ferrogel was bought up within literally five minutes of the post on Scrapheap Challenge going up and no one but people dumping existing stock is making a profit now. I am currently stocking up on T2 ships up to cruiser-size; around 1b invested in T2 modules already and looking to throw around 1.5b into T2 ships. With a 20% total increase in price I stand to make around 500m+ in a month, which isn't bad. My liquidity is down or else I'd throw a lot more in; I know people who have tens of billions invested and message me periodically to giggle in some wierd sort of glee.

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Guest starscream

I only have a T2 interceptor, a ah Crow. Other than my battleship, BC, and that, i dont own any ships right now.

I could have a stealth bomber or covert ops frig but im still trying to decide what i should do as i am caldari, and after the recent patch i hear missiles are nerfed (along with my fucking interceptor, goddamnit), SO i dont know if i shuould just continue to pump SP into missiles, or dump it and go guns.

I am about 50 days from being able to fly a Dreadnought, and 80 something from a cruiser. without all the ancillary skills needed to be succesful in one. so in about twice that time for each respectively i could be flying either fairly well, just havent decided what path i want to take, and im kind of at a crossroads

here are the figures from evemon,

i could have:

assault ship in 5 days;

combat recon in 30 days;

black ops in 90 days (bleh);

carrier in 88 days;

dreadnaught in 55 days;

heavy interdictor 45 days;

heavy assault 40 days;

interdictor in 10 days;

Mothership in 80 days;

TITAN in 136 days luls;

what you guys think i should go for

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Fly what you can afford, man. Dread costs around 1.4, 1.6b on the open market. Costs may be lower if you buy from within your alliance (and if your alliance is big enough that they do cap construction). Carrier costs less, around 750m on average. However, we mustn't forget skillbooks. :P Capital Ships costs 450m and Racial Carrier costs 350m. Racial Dread costs either 45m or 90m, can't remember (it's cheap, who cares).

I say go for one of the T2 ships; HAC is a nice choice. (Heavy assault cruiser) The Ishtar has my eye atm and after I'm done training for carrier (66 days woo) I will be going for T2 Heavy Drones and an Ishtar. The Ish is nice because it's essentially a cruiser-sized Domi; reduced tank abilities but faster and nastier. Plus it can field five heavy drones, which is wtfawesome for a cruiser-sized ship. Of course, it's Gallente, and you seem to be skilled for Caldari. Their HAC is the Cerberus, a heavy missile spewing monster. Good for plexing as it's only a cruiser-class ship (not as good as the Ishtar though, not with the missile nerf).

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Guest Fohacidal

This makes me want to play eve again, I hate you guys...

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