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Requesting Admin on WC3

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Yeah, well numerous times I see someone hacking in this server. I'm not even joking, every day it's a new person. Yeah, but it seems every single admin on the server only stays for like 2 seconds, or is too blind to know what hacks are. You might be thinking, "BUT I SUPPOSE YOU KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE?!". Uh, yeah. These idiots keep it subtle, but they always have something on. ESP, OGL, Wallhacks, Hitbox set to chest for their aimbot, subtle no spread... you name it. More than enough people in the WC3 use it. Oh, and I can easily be trusted with admin, all that I request is that it comes with perma-ban, to send these ass holes to other servers. I just want to keep the server clean, and help the people brainwashed by the hacker's alleged "skill". Anyways, that's most of what I have to say. I have admin on the ZM server, and I don't think I've abused it once... well, there was this one time when I slapped a guy off the ship on Spacestationflee...

This would be great, and I think the WC3 server needs some real pruning... no?

EDIT: I only know what hacks look like because I use to be an hacker. Sometime in September is when I ended it, so I have a pretty recent experience with full frontal hacks. Oh, and once I got VAC-banned, I had to play on non-secure servers, and trust me, almost everyone is a hacker in those servers, so I got loads of experience spotting hacks.

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