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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from JFK in Regarding recent events   
    xmen that map has a speed nade and jfk didn't fix/left alone the walls that covered it allowing people to walk through.
    I highly doubt naughty would hack in jb when he plays so much
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Tubbles in Regarding recent events   
    xmen that map has a speed nade and jfk didn't fix/left alone the walls that covered it allowing people to walk through.
    I highly doubt naughty would hack in jb when he plays so much
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Tortoise in Regarding recent events   
    xmen that map has a speed nade and jfk didn't fix/left alone the walls that covered it allowing people to walk through.
    I highly doubt naughty would hack in jb when he plays so much
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to SpecialBrownies in Kmart is at it again...   
  5. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to SexyBatman in Steam wont let me play gmod   
    Buy it.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to tex1an2 in Regarding recent events   
    Here's a few things I'd like to see:
    Personally I want to have a vague, general description of our finances. Knowing where we stand and how much we have to work with will energize ideas into opening new servers & games  
    WCS needs to make a return on CS:GO. It is too good of a game mode to be left to die. Hire someone if volunteer work isn't panning out.  
    I think a general consensus on what people enjoy to play may give some insight into what sG can manage with server ideas/clan gaming sessions.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to fatb0y in Regarding recent events   
    So you guys may or may not have noticed the drama that happened over the past few days. Some of you may know what is going on from one side, some of you guys may know what is going on from another side, and some of you may have no clue what is going on. This post is to explain to you, our community, what exactly is going on from our point of view.
    As most of you may know, Mitch and Toxygen recently stepped down from their positions on staff here at sG. They are now a part of a new community called SiJ, or Samurais in Jeans. To my understanding, and those of you who are a part of SiJ correct me if I'm wrong, is a private community. They are basically a group of friends on the internet who have their own private forum and whatnot. Kind of like Bros or GS or what have you. SiJ's staff consists of Mitch, Pork N Chili, Sakata, Sandy Balls, and Toxygen. Clay as their engineer and I suppose Salv as their equivalent of an advisor.
    Now for all of you guys who are concerned about dual-clanning, don't be. This community can be friends with other communities. For many years now, our rules have not changed regarding this matter. If you are on an sG server, sG tags go first and that is all, everyone can be friends.
    SiJ, had they simply been a group of friends like Bros or GS, then everything would have been fine. You guys might have seen some of the SiJ members here say something along the lines of "you guys[staff] seem to think SiJ and sG are mutually exclusive". That is not so, we do not think that, we do not necessarily want that, we do not require that. SiJ orginally stated that they are like GS or Bros, and since they do not have servers are not in competition with sG, and we acceptted that for what it was worth.
    Apparently not much

    However, a red flag went up when staff heard that KGame was recruiting people from our community to go to SiJ, but we brushed it off. It didn't seem like something we needed to worry about.
    A few days down the line however, staff catches wind of this conversation from an SiJ member. You can read various SiJ member's response to this member here: http://www.joinsg.net/topic/53527-calling-out-eddy/
    Here are a few snippets from this conversation, and SiJ members have been quick to point out to me that we, sG Staff, have taken this conversation out of context, but if anyone reading this could put it into a context that makes these statements ok, please let me know.
    This began as a PSA by Toxygen on SiJ forums...

    The message from Mimic was a reiteration of rule 10 of the SO Guidelines.

    (Staff leak)
    The responeses in that conversation started by Toxygen is what caused us, the Staff, to act the way that we did.

    A threat of DDoS...

    You could imagine my surprise when windmill reacted the way that he did when we demoted him from his SO position.

    A plan to "take" all of our, and your, SOs.

    Mimic decided that simply demoting them was enough, but as some of you may know, I decided to remove these SOs from the clan entirely. Was I overreacting? Perhaps, perhaps not. Also, Mimic told some people that I was "drunk" when I removed these people from the clan, I just want to make it clear to all of you right now that I wasn't and I can own up to my actions without faking alcoholism, unlike some others. I fully understood what I was doing, and I felt that the action I took was the right one.
    Moving on, soon after the demoting of a few members, we got word of another plan in the works on the SiJ forums.

    Now, one of the main complaints that I have seen from SiJ members is that sG is no longer what it used to be. Our community, our servers, are not what they used to be. I have been here for a long time, and I can say honestly, that this is true. Things change, games get old, games get boring, people grow up, people's interests change. All of these things are undoubtedly going to happen, and we can't stop that. We can only change in a way that, hopefully, makes this community strive.
    So I ask you now, what do you guys, the community, want from us as Staff. How can we be better? Do we even want to keep the servers online? Do we want to be just a forum?
    Although we as Staff keep this community running as best we can, this community would be nothing without you guys. You guys are the substance of this community, and as such your opinions are needed for us to decide how we should change this community so that it can continue to strive.
    P.S. As many of you have noticed, there are now a few SO and Staff positions open which need to be filled. We will be looking to promote some people to these positions shortly. Also, a new server is in testing and when it opens, we will need a few SOs for that server too.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to Archy in Just Hit Play   
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Wave in Ninja Master practicing his moves in the forest   
    stop fucking spamming holy shit
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to UnknownLegend in Looks like staff accidentally resolved a complaint thread   
    re: Shouldn't be held accountable -- Upper staff is held accountable for the actions of their community here, why shouldn't you be? When some retards go and make threats like that, it's on us to take appropriate action against them. We've made rules specifically forbidding it. DDoSing was part of =(UV)='s past, and we've done what we can to move past it. I'm pretty sure people that break our rules to such a degree that leaders of other communities bring it to our attention, we hold those responsible accountable.
    re: you leaving -- You did tell me. And then waited 2 months to leave, during which time you did absolutely nothing. I respected that you knew it was time to go, but then grew more irritated as time passed. I can't speak for Marvin or Mimic, but I was waiting with bated breath for you to go so shit could actually move along.
    re: backdoor accounts -- we saw you trying to make them on the forums the day you left, as well as editing other users and unbanning some people. They were all shut down as soon as they were discovered. You may not have had the chance to use them, but not for lack of trying. You didn't try to "destroy" us, just do the same kind of shit you did on staff-- abuse your power to benefit your clique.
    re: personal problems -- They affect your ability to lead. They're a big part of why Jason and I were never comfortable leaving the community fully in your control (i.e., sG assets and Paypal). More than once we've had to talk to you about mistakes that were made by you while drunk or overly emotional. As staff, we knew about your problems and we tolerated them, despite the fact that we knew you could tell anyone else "what was really going on" and "how much you were being held back." So many of the complaints you've had about Jason or I stemmed from us holding you accountable for your actions. While it's not cool of me to call you out publicly like that, I do feel it's important that the people following you realize exactly what they're getting in to. They're about to be privy to things that only staff knew before -- they're about to get an objective view to what you're like "behind closed doors," and they're about to find out how difficult it is to work with you at times. You were great at helping out with shit no one else wanted to do, but managing the mess you made was always such a huge pain in the ass.
    Regardless, I don't like this fighting shit. Had your community just played around with themselves like Digital Suicide 1.0 and 2.0, we wouldn't have cared. I hope that you've had a discussion with your members and this DDoSing talk and threads about wanting to organize a protest in which the 5-6 staff (and SO) members "resign because of a loss of faith in sG leadership" publicly in our forums is done. I've only been part of this debacle for the last 36 hours and I'm already sick of it.
    Come play games tomorrow night, we'll forget this shit happened, and you can go have fun with your new side clan. You can bet your ass that we'll have something to say if we hear about you guys continuing to plan aggressive action towards us though.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from ROFL in Ninja Master practicing his moves in the forest   
    stop fucking spamming holy shit
  12. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to Sucks in Ninja Master practicing his moves in the forest   
    One of the greatest warriors of our time

  13. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to Sucks in Jason's Community Hang Out Night   
  14. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to Mitch in Looks like staff accidentally resolved a complaint thread   
    I don't know where you're getting any of that from, but it's not true. I don't recall telling my buttbuddies anything you've mentioned, or even considering the PayPal at any time. I don't really care where you heard it from, but it's kind of false and absurd.
    As for the digest, we've already discussed what happened to it in the staff forum and that's where that topic dies. I have school priorities and asked another JCS to step up, but apparently none of them got the message so it sat there.
    I left for my own personal reasons and/or lack of interest. You can be intent on your explanation as to why I did what I did, but I know what's true.
    I mean no harm, and if I did, I would have done something about it already. I just find it kind of absurd that you would throw around stuff that isn't true, especially because I know it's not at all.
  15. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to DogsGoMeow in Looks like staff accidentally resolved a complaint thread   
    Well, I couldn't have picked a better time to apply, middle of a clan war here.
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to UnknownLegend in Looks like staff accidentally resolved a complaint thread   
    This entire situation is hilarious.  Inactive staff are blaming staff who are active for not doing anything, then decide to jump ship to a new clan being led by Mitch, the king of inactive staff, and Clay, the king of making shitty side-clans every time he gets a second chance with sG.
    I've heard that Mitch is already telling his buttbuddies that I somehow "stopped him from carrying out good ideas for the clan."  If one of those "good ideas" was creating a Digest in late March, then it not getting posted until after Mitch left because he insisted on writing the intro and ending, I'm sorry for bumping that topic almost every day for the 3 weeks prior to you leaving staff to make sure it wasn't forgotten about.  And I guess I'm sorry that Jason wouldn't let you have full control over the Paypal and sG assets because he didn't feel comfortable having someone as unstable as you being the person in charge.  But got in your way?  Bitch please.
    Every year sG needs to purge the retards from the clan, and SiJ is just that purge this year.  Eventually everyone that joined up with Mitch will realize he's an unstable, drama-loving alcoholic that brings nothing to the table aside from being a workhorse.  And all that will be left for him to blame is either his followers, or himself.  Clay will lose interest by the end of July, and by December he'll probably be back here begging for another unban.  And everyone that followed Mitch will come back here wanting to rejoin, only to find that not everyone will be welcoming them back with open arms.  Do yourselves a favor and don't leave the clan so you can retain your rank when you do come back.
    I'm not going to comment on it further, because I honestly don't care.  I have not been staff for some time, and do not intend to return to a staff position.  I am available to help problem-solve or consult, and that's about it.
    Xmen, I think you were just caught in the crossfire.  Send Mimic a message.  I think staff is still trying to sort out how to appropriately respond to the threats of SiJ members DDoSing our servers and attempting to recruit more people through our forum and servers-- a number of staff just want to permaban anyone who even mentioned DDoSing (allowed under the "Attack Organizing" regulation in the Global Rules), there's people who think that's too harsh, but want to boot them out of the clan, then there's people who think even that may be too harsh.  I believe all SOs and staff who were involved have been removed and all access has been revoked, with the exception of Dyscivist for some reason.  Anyway, you were probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time.  I re-read your comments and think you should definitely contact Mimic to sort it out.
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to MOFLSTOMP in Poof   
    I'm resigning from my brief tenure as SO, and probably the clan for the time being (still posting here and there in tech center, though). Like a few others, I have no idea WTF is going on, and don't want to be in any sort of clan war. This isn't the Jets and the Sharks, so unless we're pulling off epic dance numbers, I want no part in it. It's been fun, yo.
    EDIT: After discussing with Shadow a bit, I'm still kinda a member of sG, but until things are sorted out with the damn kung fu people in dere puh-jeemuhs, I'm refraining from using tags
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from MOFLSTOMP in Are you fucking serious?   
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei reacted to Daileyyy in SIJ and sG merger   
    Clearly the solution to this problem is to merge the two clans into Syndickeat Gaymers. Ideas?
  20. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to Sucks in HI am Chad and I sucks haha   
    It is nice to meed you my username is Sucks 
    It was my nick name as I was growing up in the youth centers
    I am excited to play with you and I have researched your servers thanks
  21. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to Sucks in HI am Chad and I sucks haha   
    this is nice community haha i love this website
  22. Downvote (-1)
    Yürei reacted to Sucks in QQ im SO mad   
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from HurFFiNatEr010 in Are you fucking serious?   
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Ruffles in Are you fucking serious?   
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Yürei got a reaction from Avery in Are you fucking serious?   
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