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Posts posted by Yürei






    Gibber: Kill at least two people, in one round, with a teleporter.


    Ghostbuster: Crowbar Ghost (Takane) to death twice, in one eight-round match, on de_haunts.

    Secret Mario Bro: Goomba stomp someone to death and not die from the fall.


    Mentlegen: Get eight silenced pistol kills and one knife kill, during one round.



    Hunter: Get at least four traitor kills, using the double barreled shotgun.

    Dirty Harry: Kill seven innocents, using only a revolver in a single round, as a traitor.*** (Finish before change)





    Kingslayer: Kill at least one staff member per round, for five rounds, during one eight-round match.






    C4 Roulette: Defuse a ten-minute C4 planted by a server officer or staff member. Only one attempt per person, per map will count. The defuser must take a screenshot of the successful defused bomb with the cut wire.


    Centennial: Get over one hundred (100) points, in one eight-round match.





    Are You Fucking Kidding?: Get an unusual crate from the drop system.*

    Maybe, it was Poison!: Kill at least six (6) people, in one round, with the poison dart gun.**
    Jeff the Flying Baseball: Be the last person to bat Jeff the Flying Shark, in one eight-round match. The stipulation is that he must also be batted every prior round that he is not a traitor, for the duration of the eight rounds.
    Everybody, Do the Flop!: Kill at least ten people at once with a jihad bomb, without killing any of your traitor buddies.
    How Do I Kill These?: Kill at least five people, in one round, with the turtle grenade.
    Useless T-Buddies: With at least twenty (20) people on the server, kill 75% or more of the innocents, as a traitor, in one round.
    I am the Detective: Get at least ten (10) kills in one round, with a detective weapon as a traitor.
    Pantsu, Pantsu, Pantsu!: Kill pantsu on my faceuru, at least three times in one eight-round match, after saying “pantsu, pantsu, pantsu” over voice chat/text 5 seconds before each kill (i.e. not at the start of the round).
    That’s Racist: Use the melon launcher to kill both Jeff the Flying Shark and Detective Nom Noms, in one round.
    Stab the Doowah: Knife StabbittyDoowah six (6) times, in total.
    Circle of Life: Kill Mufasa with a Newton Launcher five (5) times in total..

    "Isssaaaaccc!": Kill five (5) innocent players in a room using one or more padlocks, in one round.

  2. I shall finalize our thoughts. I hereby decree anime is for weaboo's, thus I am a giant weaboo virgin who will swim in the depths of all that is kawaii.





    It's okay we're spreading slowly and surely

  3. The default background is perfect for mine now, excellent.

    Even on Transit I can see the right side of your sig

    Edit : Also who the hell even likes using Transit

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