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Flt. Lt. Space Bugs

Level 3
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Posts posted by Flt. Lt. Space Bugs

  1. You could re roll and play on Mount Tyrannus with us. Level 35 isn't that hard to reattain (hardcore playing, anyways.) Spell and I will assist you with whatever necessary (and maybe give you some free equips we have left over) if you need it. Up to you though.

  2. Both spell and I are level 40 (Lancer/Priest) on the Mount Tyrannous server. If you don't have founder status, it might be a pain to play on it because of the queue. Sometimes it can be a couple of hours for free players but I never have to wait more than 1 minute. I strongly recommend everybody who wants to play this game to try to buy a copy of the game (it was like $15 before, I dunno about now) in order to get Founder status so you have all 8 character slots, all bank tabs, and next to no queue times for servers. We also both plan to play the game for a while so if any of you are willing to play, you can join us. We'll help with low level instances / BAMs if you can't find anybody. My name is Priest.Gerbil and his is Spellsw.

  3. 1v1 is completely stupid in LoL.

    It's meant to be something fun. If you think it's completely stupid, that's fine - there's nothing forcing you to participate.

    I would do a 5v5 tourney but sG doesn't have enough people for premade 5s and I'm not sure if there would be enough interest for an ELO ladder like before.

    I'm still in, I'm just an increbily competitive person.

  4. Slaying someone is pretty stupid in my opinion. There is an afk killer on most maps' date=' and sometimes CT's don't want to just run into a trap and die,[/quote']

    Well it's not fun if only one guy is alive and it takes him 5 minutes to decide to finally try to get past the next trap.

  5. Thank you for coming onto the forums with a completely different name than the one you play with so that I can have the job of remembering who the fuck you are!

    Sorry bro, I just have used SOA on every forum I've been too so yeah...and plus my steam name is to the left of all my posts anyways :D

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