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Posts posted by IceBurnChaos

  1.      So I wanted to say, this is a big thing for my place in Texas. If anyone around me is interested, sign the Dallas TX section so we have a concert. Please? Most of the votes for us are from my town (like 100 of them, which is sad).


         Also, they are on phase 2, which is singling out areas to have their first tour before they try in Europe.

    Go here VVV

    And their Channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/MonstercatMedia?feature=watch


    The more I look at this the more sketchy I think I made it look...


    Thanks anyways guys...

  2. is it me or the stream keeps flicker?

    Yeah it flickers... He should propably switch his game to borderless mode from the video settings to stop the flicker....

    Thanks for the advice, I'm still trying to help him fix all the kinks in the stream.

  3. I was able to join sG Jailbreak for the first time earlier this morning. Now its going back to what it did before; I click the server, says server isnt responding, then starts a 'joining session' screen, then says session no longer exists...

    How can this be fixed? :huh:

  4. Yiyas is on it.

    (wcs1 atleast)


    He'll have to break it further first ;_;

    You know his script for crashing the server broke too? He has to remake that to test... well... alot of stuff. T_T

  5. Yeah, I'm back, again.

    • In-game Name: IceBurnChaos
    • How did you find sG?: Being Bored on CS:S
    • What do you expect from the sG Minecraft server?: PvP, just ruleings
    • What are some things you have built in the past?: Landscape, Boats, basic buildings, forges, banks, castles,
    • Have you read, and do you understand the rules?: Well... mayb- YES I DO

  6. Anyone just see/was involved in the lag? Its still going on, idk if its on all sG servers, but we can't play at all. Its been horrible for about an hour or so now? Anyone know WTF is going on?

  7. [K] The Hidden

    Name: The Hidden

    Weapon: Knife

    Idea From: HL2 Mod game- Hidden

    Skills: 6 with 5 pts each

    Shop restricts: Jumping items, Hp items, evade items, DR items. Speed items

    Required lv: 2500 <---That more like it?

    Starts with 110% speed and 80%hp - can be rooted and slowed

    Exprtz: at lv 100 5%hp regen per 3 seconds- at lv 500 gets 120% hp at start

    [5] Carnivore: Mmmmmm, Fresh meat- 50%chance on kill to heal 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%

    [5] Your Nexsssst: Am I scaring you?- Ability, Slow upto 3 in distance 5ft/10ft/15ft/20ft/25ft down to 95%/90%/85%/80%/75% total speed (they can only walk/run that fast when affected) for 4 seconds

    [5] I Can See You: Third eye and a Sixth sence- Evade up 4%/8%/12%/16%/20%

    [5] Pointy Pointy: Knives and Molotovs- Knife dmg up 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% and (Is it possible to make smoke nades hurt like if it was toxic gas?) Grenades have a 5%/10%/20%/25%/30% chance to set an enemy on fire for 1/2/3/4/5 seconds destroying ARMOR FIRST at 2 dmg a sec

    [5] Mutated Skin: But you can't see me: Invis boost 40%/50%/60%/70%/80%

    [5] Mutated Lunge: Your not as safe as you think: Ultimate- Lunge/Teleport farther each lv (IDK how that works, but preferably a short, but fast hop/lunge, as if a hunting animal was pouncing on something. If this is no, i have another idea for the ultimate.)

    Heres a fix, anyone like this better?

  8. Chigger is correct about the slow, and your supposed to put your ideas out there for the "Tweaking". I myself am new, and I'm putting ideas out that I have. If you think something is horribly wrong, tell me, and ill edit it to something else the community likes.

  9. How about switching the DR down to +5% for each lv so it only get 20% and making the ultimate a lunge or a full invis instead of explode? And yes, I'm obsessed with Knife Races, as iv'e already posted 2 ideas I got while playing other games, and on the WCS im not that high, so I can't say this hasn't already been done. If this is a no, which from just you two i expect it to be, I'd much rather have my other one, The Hidden, voted yes.

  10. Name: The Hidden

    Weapon: Knife

    Idea From: HL2 Mod game- Hidden

    Skills: 6 with 5 pts each

    Shop restricts: Jumping items, Hp items, evade items, DR items. Speed items

    Required lv: 1500

    Starts with 130% speed- can be rooted and slowed

    Exprtz: at lv 100 5%hp regen per 3 seconds

    [5] Carnivore: Mmmmmm, Fresh meat- 50%chance on kill to heal 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%

    [5] Your Nexsssst: Am I scaring you?- Ability, Slow all enemys in distance 5ft/10ft/15ft/20ft/25ft down to 90%/85%/80%/75%/70% speed

    [5] I Can See You: Third eye and a Sixth sence- Evade up 8%/16%/24%/32%/40%

    [5] Pointy Pointy: Knives and Molotovs- Knife dmg up 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% and Frag Grenades have a 5%/10%/20%/25%/30% chance to set an enemy on fire for 2/4/6/8/10 seconds destroying ARMOR FIRST

    [5] Mutated Skin: But you can't see me: Invis boost 50%/60%/70%/80%/90%

    [5] Mutated Lunge: Your not as safe as you think: Ultimate- Lunge/Teleport farther each lv (IDK how that works)

    Please Vote and Comment! Thanks!

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