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Jungle Fever

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Posts posted by Jungle Fever

  1. *BUMP* 

    To add on, my gametracker from the TTT server now says I only have about 200 hours on there (must be more recent hours) whereas I had around 950 or so hours prior. Did we switch the server over or something, and how can I retrieve the 750+ hours that are missing?

  2. So as of recently my developer's console will not open in GMOD, thus I cannot connect to the sG server because it isn't showing up on the list "Internet". 

    It is already enabled through options and I tried going GMOD through steam, properties, launch options and typing in "-console" and it still didn't open on launch. Hasn't been a problem in the past.

    Any advice?

  3. i read the xbox one  hardware is the best, and i am a xbox fan, but i wil buy the xbox, i love the games, and the online part is cool, dont like sony online part, it is free but shit

    I don't follow...you only made good points about the xbox and then made it seem like your decision to buy the xbox was contrary to those points. In addition, there are barely any good titles out now anyway.

    In addition, the PS4 online is not free anymore. You do now pay for online gaming, and although I have not played either and cannot attest to it, I would assume the fact that it is paid for would cause Sony to bridge the gap and make their online gaming network more stable. Nonetheless, as I mentioned before, the FREE part of Sony's online network comes with this like internet browsing and video services like Netflix/Amazon Prime. On the Xbox, you REQUIRE an online paid subscription to utilize these, but on PS4 you do not.

  4. The fact is if even a couple of people are on, more will show up, as Matthew mentioned before. Us two started off on the server last night, and it took a few rounds to start to gain traction, but we had a pretty populated server in a short amount of time. I have not been around much until recently, but I have heard that the TTT server has been sluggish in regard to the number of people on over the past few weeks.

    Maybe lets all (or whoever plays TTT) make an effort to visit the server a few times this winter break and get things going. People have a good time on the server, and hence become regulars who are there all the time. But it starts with us being there, making it fun and having some fun as well.

  5. Anyone wanna play TTT tonight? I just got back and have heard that the server has been pretty dead for at least the past couple of weeks...

    So lets populate the server for old times sake tonight?

    INB4: "TTT sucks" --- cool, but I want to play and see some old buddies on there

  6. All of my friends have/ continue to play on xbox which is one of the biggest factors for me.

    I suppose, but considering i've used playstation for so long, I am used to not having friends to game with haha.

    In addition I am sure the online games for playstation are much better now considering PSN is now paid for monthly so its quality should be much more similar to Xbox Live than in the past. Nonetheless I do think a HUGE factor in buying one of two is the fact that Xbox requires live to utilize certain features (like Netflix and Amazon Prime), while Playstation will not require internet to use it (though it will require a subscription for online gaming). Considering I currently use my PS3 as a Netflix streamer, that would be quite the loss.

  7. I was considering getting one of the two, but from reading various articles online, I wasn't awfully impressed with either to warrant buying one this early on. I have been a big playstation guy my whole life (ps one, two, and three), and am curious if anyone has one or has played on/used both and has a recommendation for either side?

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