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Posts posted by Atmosphere

  1. I know how you feel with the alchoholic parents, my dad is one. If both of them are alchoholics then you need to leave and live with another family member until they solve their problems. They're both going to effect you more than you think if you stay with them any longer. Just a quick question here, how long have they been alchoholics and what lead them to drinking more(or have they always been drinking)?

    They've been drinking their whole life pretty much.

  2. You sound like you gave this a lot of thought atmosphere. Ditch your parent's and live with your grandparent's or your uncle/s if the problem is that bad.

    Your surroundings heavily influence your decisions.

    I've been thinking and talking about this for a while now. I just need to go out there and do it. I couldn't ditch my parents, they need me and I need them. =/

  3. You sound like a smart kid with a good head on your shoulders. Don't fuck your life up trying to be socially accepted in highschool. Honestly, when you get out of highschool no one will give a shit how cool you were or how much you party (Unless you go to a party college and chill with the same friends. In which case, shame on you.). All they will see is some kid making a fool out of himself by drinking himself to death trying to be "cool".

    Want to know what people really think is cool? A kid getting a decent paying job and going to a decent school and succeding in life in those ways. My friends and I used to be like you in highschool. Got my shit straight while my friends didn't and now I work at a hospital right out of highschool and I'm making more money than any of them. They wish they had done what I had.

    Yeah, you're right, plus all this partying is just like temporary happiness and cooliness - which will go away. Also, people say you won't even see anyone after high school (some of your true friends yes). I still don't want to lose my friends, but if they can't accept me then I'm not their real friends.

    Also, I just feel that the environment I'm in is hard to stay motivated. I'm around alcohol and drugs all the time. It really is sad to say. I hate it, who likes coming home to your mom drunk at 2:30 in the morning having to go to work in the morning at 7? Plus this is like a daily thing. I've been through this almost my whole life. I just want to join the army and not because of dying just because that's what I've always wanted to be. I just feel it's something I need to do. Also, for now my goals are:

    - Working out everyday (you have to have a day to rest though correct?)

    - Getting a job

    - Finding a girlfriend (I almost got myself one :] )

    - Eating better

    - Stop all the drinking & Smoking, not drink as much.

    - Start reading books and learning more about history (more than I know now)

    - Getting a new Vocabulary and stop using swear words

  4. You have two strikes against you in the alchoholic department. I would keep a good eye on that. Where I grew up, he who go the most fucked up at the party was the coolest. When I left that town I took that with me and was drunk for 10 years. All in the persute of coolness.

    I used to be smart, good grades, great cognitive ability. But after about 9-10 years of drugs and drinking, I am dumb as shit. I can barely count a handfull of change, no joke. People idolize drug use, as I did, and now I am a burnout. Not cool.

    You have heard you need to get out of it 1000000 times. So GTFO and go do something smart.

    huuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Damn, well I guess I'm the same as you in the sense of "he who go the most fucked up at the party was the coolest" - which still exists today. I am that person. I have to stop and I will. Thanks for the response.

  5. Okay, so I don't do crap, but DRINK, SMOKE WEED, and PARTY! Those are my 3 things that make up my life. Plus going to bed really late and waking up past 2 pm. If I didn't choice the crowd I'm in now I could honestly be something more. I'm really smart, I always was, but I just can't pursue it anymore. I have street smarts, common sense, I'm the smartest one out of my friends. I'm just really lazy and my parents are both alcoholics. My family doesn't like they in the sense of them being very annoying and obnoxious when drunk.

    At this point in my life I'm a junior and about to start school soon. I don't want to change because I like being in the "cool" group and girls like that I guess? I just don't see that it is worth hanging out with send offs, bullshiters, and people who do this crap. I want to find the true me and be around true friends.

    Online friend: Unholy faith. (I love you, bro! No homo. Hooah (:! )

    A thing he said to me which really makes me want to change:

    You may seem "cool" now.

    But later, you'll end up a loser.

    I hope you don't.

    I hope you freakin nut-the-fudge up.

    Get smarter.

    Hit the books, instrad of the blunt.

    And get the fudge with your life, while this prick who fucks with you daily will finally realize how fudged he was.

    The last about that "prick" is this kid always acts like he is the best, he is a narcissistic kid. He always bullies everyone around him and guess what I've known him the longest. I chilled with him for so long yet he treats me like a bitch. I would fight him, but it's not worth it. He might beat me, but still it's not worth it. I'm just tired of getting treated like a little bitch and he gets so mad if someone hits him. He constantly hits me all the time and it pisses me off. I tell him to stop.. yet he doesn't. Then I get pissed and tell him to really stop. Then he makes it out like I'm over reacting. He now wants to find one of his best friends or ex-best friend. It was the OG 4 and we've been bros for so long yet he wants to beat him up? We hang out with hella people don't get me wrong but this was a group within the group. Just pure bullshit, I don't see how you can fight a bro.

    My parents are both alcoholics and it's very hard to live around this environment. I feel exactly what my other friend said:

    My Online friend az said this to me:

    4:52 AM - az: you

    4:52 AM - az: grew up

    4:52 AM - az: in the wrong life

    4:52 AM - az: and was born

    4:52 AM - az: into the wrong life

    4:52 AM - az: and family

    I feel that I'm an old soul and my Aunt even told me this too. I always try to help people and I'm very mature for my age - My family members told me this. Like say there is one slice of pizza is left and this kid wants it, but I really want it to. I'll just give it to him. Say there are no chairs left in the room and I'm standing, someone says "hey do you want to sit in my chair". I'll just tell them no, I'm fine, not that I like standing just because I want them to feel better. I always try to make people feel better and not me. I really don't know why. Hopefully that makes sense.

    I just want to get smarter, get even more stronger, meet new people (true people), join the army.

    I really don't see me going that far because I already fudged up. My friends (all people who party), My 2 drunk parents, and it's just hard to cope with all this bullshit.

    It's going to be really hard leaving the life of a druggy and becoming who I truly am.

    I love how only my online friends feel this way and not my real life friends. This is I guess because they just don't get it. What they're exactly doing with their life. I have to change and I will starting today.

    "If you're not going to stop now, you never will, later never comes."

  6. Learn to use a scout, it's very easy. I use to play on RPG servers before got to level 1109. Just aim. Plus I played competitively in sk for 2-3 years.

  7. Where in Michigan did you go to? I hardly ever hear people say that they go to vacation here let alone like it. :D

    Family bro and friends. They got a house right on the lake anyone we know everyone around us. It's party central! We stay up till like 4 am blowing off fireworks just doing what a party lifestyle is.

  8. I love Michigan, just got a girl, partied my ass off, went tubing, went on the boat, and jet ski. HELL YES!

    Get back in time to apply so I can harass you about whether or not I'm voting yes.

    I'm back :).

  9. Orc chieftain is a great race to counter a zombie, I do like +100 dmg on most of my hits. Honestly, I suck at zombie and I get owned so I think it's more on the player not the race. I agree with spell, there are people who can't play zombie to save their life (me lmao).

  10. Also, learn to size your pictures so we can read them.

    -Simple guide on how to see the picture clearly-

    1. Right click the photo and click on "Copy Image Location"

    2. Then go to your URL bar and paste (Right click -> Paste / or ctrl v)

    3. Click on the photo (this will make you zoom in) when brought to the url which is "http://i.imgur.com/sMHpH.jpg"

    You're welcome. :)

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