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Posts posted by Hyperwhoar

  1. Taking a 5 minute nap has a more negative effect on your short term memory than smoking a joint does.

    If you take a nap for 5 minutes, it effects your short term memory more so than smoking a joint does.

    Stop taking 5 minute naps after you smoke a joint.

  2. In all fairness, it doesn't affect me alot.

    I smoke everyday but the worst I have is a bit of long term memory loss, just a bit slow in school and all.

    The reason it doesn't affect you much is because you've grown a tolerance to it over the years. I can smoke upwards of two grams in one session and still think perfectly. The memory loss side effect fades over time.

  3. I don't completely understand why marijuana has an effect on the short term memory

    Weed temporarily "freezes" your brain cells in a way that blocks the receptors that carry information to your brain, thus resulting in the retarded stupidity that everyone loves from weed.

  4. Can You Proove It?

    Edit1: I've seen other people who literally have only heard his music and thought he was agirl

    You're kidding, right? Prove it? Are you four?

  5. Whatever U do, don't IV heroin... snort it, smoke it... but don't inject it.

    I wouldn't self-inject a chemical into my body to save my life.

    Glenn Fors is just mad because he can't get any drugs.

  6. Im pretty sure weed isnt the only thing you take

    I smoke weed once a month, do oxys once a year and mdma once a year (70mg, non-damaging dose). Not going to do any damage.

  7. Well it started on the 7th, and they opened slots yesterday which was the 21st, so they should give slots out on June 5th if they're going with a two week span in between each.

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