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Posts posted by Archy

  1. It kind of sucks to think that Atlantis is already back on Earth. That was the last time we will ever send Atlantis back into space and "ending NASA's 30 year space shuttle program". Obama said that he will do everything in his power to make sure we build more shuttles and return to space. In some ways this end can be useful because it allows us to build and master new shuttles with updated technology (for example, a few years ago I was watching a show (forget which one specific I know) and they were building an engine that ran on solar power and was running for 5 years at that point. This type of new technology could in fact make space exploration cheaper in the future then it currently was). The link is below: I want to know what you all think about the "end to NASA's 30 year space shuttle program"


  2. I really enjoyed listening to these videos. I love these deep thought subjects and I find it so appealing unlike most people. My favorite part of the first video was when he said "Cheer up you see, this is what is meant Buddhist philosophy by saying we are all basically nothing", just an amazing quote right there it made me laugh. Thanks so much Illogical they are very interesting videos (I agree with what he is saying in them as well).

  3. Even if she didn't kill her child, there's some responsibility on her part and she deserves some sort of punishment. What about negligence?

    She knew her daughter was dead and didn't report it. Not only that, when confronted about the absence of the child she said the child was with a non-existent nanny and proceeded to concoct a story for law enforcement that the nanny had abducted the child.

    I agree 100%, no parent would not report their child missing even if they were only gone for like 10 min, most parents would call the police and start freaking out unlike what she did. Also, if she did not do it, why the hell would she say the child was with a non-existent nanny I mean unless she has some real bad mental illness there is no excuse to say something like that. In my opinion she did do it which is pathetic, if you want to get rid of a child, put he/she up for adoption dont kill him/her.

  4. My last point to be made here comes from one of the websites I linked throughout this thread it says:

    "less than 0.8% is spent on the entire space program! That's less than 1 penny for every dollar spent. The average American spends more of their budget on their cable bill, eating out or entertainment than this yet the benefits of space flight are remarkable. It has been conservatively estimated by U.S. space experts that for every dollar the U.S. spends on R and D in the space program, it receives $7 back in the form of corporate and personal income taxes from increased jobs and economic growth. Besides the obvious jobs created in the aerospace industry, thousands more are created by many other companies applying NASA technology in nonspace related areas that affect us daily. One cannot even begin to place a dollar value on the lives saved and improved lifestyles of the less fortunate. Space technology benefits everyone and a rising technological tide does raise all boats"

    Just something to think about.

  5. How ignorant:

    Dude, you can only talk up all this 'scientific research' bullshit because you're not the kid that was born into the shitty situation of having to grow up in the third world country. There are people that are not only starving, but also live in extreme poverty. They don't have the same opportunities that we do, or rights for that matter.

    And like somebody was saying before about diseases that can be cured using that money. I'm sure some of you guys have lost family or friends to cancer or a disease, imagine them still alive.

    Sorry for posting again but I didn't see this comment before. Take a look at this link below and tell me that we should still cut the money we give NASA. This is only a small amount NASA has done for the general community not even considering what they are doing to prevent global warming and help our environment.


  6. They're going to have to, to find a way to feed people on the very long space trips to other planets...

    The total budget is $3.73 trillion, and $18.7 billion of that goes to NASA. A little more than half a penny of every federal tax dollar ends up at NASA. This 18.7 billion is for every NASA does, not just space exploration. Believe it or not, they have created so many things that we use in our daily lives that if we did not found them this much the technology rate would probably go down. If the government wanted to, they could find other places to cut to help "feed the hungry" but there is no point in taking it from NASA's founding.

  7. NASA is currently working on building a new space telescope to replace the Hubble telescope. This building process for the telescope started in 2007 and should be completed in 2014. Here is some information about it:


    My Question to you guys is,

    Do you think it's worth spending a few Billion Dollars (If not more) on this telescope when we have other national and world wide problems or is it important to look for new things in our universe?

    I agree we find out so much about our own planet/ our own solar system and how it works by looking at other stars and galaxies. If we want to help our planet stay the way it is to maintain human life we need to keep our universe discoveries going.

  8. NASA is currently working on building a new space telescope to replace the Hubble telescope. This building process for the telescope started in 2007 and should be completed in 2014. Here is some information about it:


    My Question to you guys is,

    Do you think it's worth spending a few Billion Dollars (If not more) on this telescope when we have other national and world wide problems or is it important to look for new things in our universe?

  9. also he was repeatedly saying stuff too u in server as soon as he joined and heard me having a conversation with someone on the server and no one had noticed him....

    i get along with lots of other people in the server its just him that i dislike.

    Ok so why arnt you able to ignore him it is not that hard. This would have not happened if you would have just shut the fuck up and let it all go, but you didnt.

  10. J_Mafia was doing what was necessary to deal with dynamo which ended up requiring to kick him because of the harassment. In my opinion if he (dynamo) had a problem with someone he should have taken it to private chat because none of us wanted to hear him talking shit via chat and mic for hours on end whenever he is on. Now yes I understand that you are allowed to curse on sG servers but when it comes to relentless mic spam and chat spam of harassment it needs to be dealt with.

    -Keep up the good work J_Mafia!

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