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Posts posted by Archy

  1. OHHHHH!!! (´・ω・`)



    That is so over the top but RIDICULOUS I want haha


    Very VERY nice :)

    If I fucking see your name posting in any thread for the next year I'm cutting your dick off.

  2. Wowwwww. This was popular like 6 years ago lol. I thought it was dead.

    Whelp I was watching Vsauce and found it. 

    I'm not with the times man...

  3. So tomorrow night Jason and others want us all to get together SiJ and sG alike and sit down, talk, and play some fucking games.  Everyone is welcome and everyone should come.  Hope to see you all on Teamspeak.

    I'll play if you buy me a new graphics card for my laptop.

  4. I personally dislike guns.

    Yeah I am buff, but what does my strength and dexterity mean to someone with a gun? It's complete bullshit how my life can be decided in a mili-second due to someone having a bad day, or wanting to steal my shit.

    I'm in the ghetto guys, I run the risk of being blown away everyday.

    Guns keep people in their place, I do believe they're necessary, but bullshit at the same time, if that makes any sense.

    I just don't like the concept of a person having the power to take a mans life, in less than a second, without the other person being able to at least defend himself.

    So what you're saying is women deserved to be raped by strong men?

    Saying I don't care for guns, they're a tool for killing, something I am against.

    Technically everything is a tool for killing. Swing, thrust or propel something with enough force and it can kill you.

    Physics, how the fuck does it work again?

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