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Posts posted by Madmartigan

  1. I saw that gif about a few days ago and thought the same thing. She might be the sexiest woman I've ever seen...I'm talking raw sexuality. That clip is vicious, mmmmmm

  2. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (BAZ8771 @ May 3 2009, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    You know... I know that it sounds nerdy and they sound like losers, but I'd rather have those people trying to stop the little petty shit instead of standing on the street corner dealing coke. They might not do too much, but at least they aren't fucking more shit up.

    Very true, but it's still very funny

  3. OK, OK...chill out...Chronx may have his bias towards acura's, but they are still good cars. Consider that I almost bought the tl. I'm no speed freak though, and power doesn't matter to me as much as comfort/feel does, not to mention the fact that NOBODY I know owns an audi...I thnk chronx might have actually been trying to do me a favor by suggesting what he thought was a better car. So despite his history of being a donk, go ahead and give him a break. I appreciate all the feedback, however I'm sticking with the audi, however lacking the interior might be. I'd rather have what many say is the greatest/most unique ride of the year over the best interior...but that's just me..

    I'm smashed and following took about 20 minutes of spell check

  4. <div><object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da1ADqPplQ4&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da1ADqPplQ4...player_embedded&"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da1ADqPplQ4&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da1ADqPplQ4...player_embedded&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" /></embed></object></div>

  5. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fatb0y @ May 2 2009, 01:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    My bullshit sensor just blew up.

    Good lol's...there is a way to use words where it doesn't come across as bs or arrogance, no offense meant but I would work on finding that happy medium between humility and a big head :)

  6. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Aereon @ May 1 2009, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    everyone that says its an a5(coupe version of the a4) is wrong, thats a 4 door so its most likely an A4, I would not get an auto in an audi as they tend to have tranny problems around the 45k mark and continue for quite a bit on down the line. Also, even in sports mode the S5 auto has a shitty shift pattern and shifts much too soon. If you are buying that, opt for the select drive as it makes a night and day difference when you're pushing it a bit. Lastly, how much are they asking? I talked a local audi dealership down on a fully optioned stassis 09 s5 to 67k OTD, just for reference sake.

    Well guys, I couldn't get it today. I transferred 5k from my day trading account in etrade yesterday hoping they would post today...unfortunately I doubt they will post before monday. So another weekend with the old rolla due to lack of down-payment funds.

    Anyway, I've done my homework here. I wanted an audi, lexus, acura, or bmw...infiniti was a little too douchish for me (don't think they are douche cars, but alot of queerios drive them here). bmw was a little out of my price range for what I wanted, and made me feel old. It came down to audi's A4 and the acura TL...both had what I wanted and their '09 models were revamped in quite a few ways. Consumers seem to like the new audi's and I see very few on the road, so that became my choice

    About the transmission, it is cvt, so yeah it has the select drive. Right now he is telling me, and I can't help but laugh of car salesmen tactics, that his manager and everyone else in the world can only push it down to 36k...I told him I wasn't paying a cent over $450/month with a 8k downpayment. After tax and a 5% interest rate it comes out to about 32 for what I want to spend. If he still doesn't want to meet my price I'll just walk away, always works

    -foh...lost your license already?

  7. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fatb0y @ May 1 2009, 07:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    The economy is bad.. but its not like your savings account disappears or anything.

    Yep, and I've been saving up a pretty hefty down-payment. So it's not like I'm digging up everything I have to pay for it.

  8. I'm been haggling with this guy at the dealership for awhile and it's finally close enough to the price I want to pay...so I'll try and talk it down a little tomorrow, but am content with the purchase. Here is my new car :)




  9. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Nacho @ Apr 29 2009, 10:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL5yhMI6pSw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL5yhMI6pSw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL5yhMI6pSw&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL5yhMI6pSw&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C7WhUyPu40&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C7WhUyPu40&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C7WhUyPu40&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3C7WhUyPu40&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

    Lich king one was sick...I want a sword like frostmourne...I would use it to cut watermelons

  10. Sweet, I'm guessing it's a take on what will no doubt be one of the greatest movies [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--N9klJXbjQ]EVER[/ame]

    Funny thought "What does whale poop even look like??"

  11. Made a new topic...my bad, I didn't read the new posts that well I guess. I've been away for work for awhile and didn't think twice. Dumb fucks. Anyway someone can delete my topic if they have the power

  12. Who the fuck is Jurdreda...why the fuck does it say they are an administrator...and why the fuck was a link to some porn site sent via pm?

  13. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Llethander (Panda) @ Mar 29 2009, 01:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I've been subscribed to this guy's videos for a long time now.

    I love his stuff. He's amazing with the guitar and "Drifting" is one of my favorites.

    Same here dude, he is awesome...some of the most inventive guitar I've ever heard

  14. Fuck it, I'm washted and have the hookup with 5 hooters girls...lol...I will divulge further tomorrow. Im the mean tine, I'm red, he's green

    ME -

    Anarchy my man, is never a viable option. Anarchy doesn't just imply no government, it implies no leadership. And in the same way that governments will always be flawed, so will people always be of different temperaments. This is in reference to the way that if you put 10 people in a room, one or two of them will always command the others. The others will fall into place naturally. This is why there is government on a fundamental level (government today doesn't run out of fundamentals though) and why some form of authority will always exist. Play out what happens with no authority and you get Lord of the Flies, or some other instance where authority spawns out of nothing. Anarchy isn't just something that has no time sensitive thought put into it, but it's idiotic and invites chaos.

    Now just because I think anarchy isn't a wise decision, that doesn't mean I think that our government has not been blown up to something way too large. Downsize the government by about 80%...remove about 80% of our taxes and under all the circumstances, I think that would be a pretty good solution to alot of our countries problem today.

    By the way, there are much more valid ways to express your omnipotent views than the verbiage above. Don't attempt to insult my intelligence again and I won't insult yours...

    Lesson 1 - re-read what I said.

    Lesson 2 - if you're going to have a lesson one, there has to be one following it, "lesson one" necessitates a "lesson 2". Lesson 3 - go read up on your history. You might find that many governments (including guess who's?) are BORN out of the necessity for a better way to provide for people. That doesn't in any way mean that politicians and power hungry fools haven't manipulated it into a refinery for their desires.

    Him and his buddy-

    Friskies- Dude what you need to learn is that everyone has there own oppinion and you take that and try to blow it up in there face but yet i understand you do realize what you are talking bout but to be honest some of the shit you say you can almost tell you are pulling words outta your ass. I do agree with my friend on anarchy at certain points if we all could get together in groups and seperate are differences we would do much better. To be honest right now out children and there childrens life are being fucked over by the government spendings things may look bad for us now with our economy the way it is but there gonna get hit worse they will have to pay higher taxes to payoff our government. Life isn't easy with whats goin on i can barley aford nething myself but to be honest if you really could look at the positives and not just the negitives of things you would live much better. but from what you have been saying you have said almost all the negitives to this shit. Plus the whole me going to school "son" I don't need to learn my shit from a hardcover peace of shit book. If there were txt books about anarchy still no one would read them because of there oppinions even if we had to come to that situation and trust me if things where the way they were back when indians were living here in the "United States" we would be soo much better, hunting for our own food, not worrying bout buying things being taxed or even our government. Soo if you really think about it long and hard and maybe open your eyes to other peoples oppinions you would get alot more outta life then the bullshit you just told me and about our government being born from necessities no, no necessities came out of making a goverment people lived w.o governments since before christ "our so called lord and savior" but no making governments causes wars between gods children and i mean just look at it WWI caused from a dictator being assassinated and WWII caused from Nazi Socialism and look many people died for that now if you look at our country and see our president.( I mean i am happy we gave him a chance). But really if you look at it. he is just another Hitler.

    Soo i thought i would make a list for you.

    1.) Open your eyes and ears to other peoples oppinions

    2.) Don't base your life off a text book

    3.) Back up the things you say with facts

    4.) Don't act like your smart cuz you can use fancy words like "son"

    5.) Don't tell me to go to school when i am pretty sure you need the education a lil bit more

    6.) Like you said everyone commands someone, but trust me Not if you stick up for yourself

    7.) Downsizing our government "thats a plus" But there are always consequinces

    8.) Lowering taxes would be a plus if we wernt BANKRUPT in the first place

    9.) Goin back to #8 w.o government we would never be in that situation"FACT"

    10.) "People like you are afraid of changing" -Willis

    11.) Also People like you rn't worth argueing about cause u bring up your soo called facts from a textbook Refuring to #2

    Thank you for being such a good sport "son"

    ME AGAIN -

    I suggested you go to school because you seem to have a hard time spelling, or organizing your sentences. I'm going to highlight your grammatical errors so you can see. We have languages because communicating is important, and believe it or not, how you communicate on the internet or in writing is a good indication of the way you speak in person. Now, to your "lessons". I wrote you 3 things that actually had validity to the subject matter. Your 11 things go off on tangents. If you feel you actually have something intelligible to say, by all means, enlighten me...now I will respond to each of your poorly thought out "lessons"

    1) My eyes and ears have always been open, if you had any sense you would see that

    2) Base my life off a textbook? Are you shitting me? That's insolence like only a child would say. I'm 24 and have been through more shit in my life than I even need to explain to some clown from the internet

    3) I back up everything with fact, read all my old posts or see what any other members have to say

    4) I don't have to act smart...using a word like "son" is only an effect of your childish way at trying to argue

    5) I need an education more? Because I can write better, articulate my thoughts better, because I make more money a year at my engineering firm than you will in 10 years? yeah

    6) Commanding ALWAYS happens. And if you want to challenge it with a reason that is justifiable, then I wish you all the best. But challenging authority just because you aren't happy with someone is immature and foolish

    7) Downsizing our government would put us back where we were at the beginning of the USA's inception. If you had actually known much about the birth of this nation and its fathers, then the fact that "small government" was one of the main constituents of our founding wouldn't be new knowledge to you. You're right though, there would be "consequences", like less taxes to fund bullshit programs, less government intervention in affairs foreign and abroad, more people being responsible for themselves, etc.,

    8) Lowering taxes is a must, especially for the economy to catch up. You know where most of the money that is collected in taxes comes from? People who actually work to make something of themselves. You give those people a break and they are able to spend, which picks up corporate America, which in turn drives the economy. I'm not going to try and explain it further because I honestly feel like it would fall on deaf ears

    9) No, without government we wouldn't be a nation. Without government NAZI Germany would've invaded and conquered us without strife. Without government, the state you live in wouldn't exist, the cars you drive in, the roads they ride on, the water you get out of your faucet...none of that would be there. Now it's your turn to look back at something, go revisit #1, time for you to open your close minded head and think about consequences before you suggest something

    10) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's all I've got for you

    11) No, people like you aren't worth arguing with because you have no coherent thoughts. I have worldly knowledge, knowledge of history, science, economics...knowledge of the physical body...I asked you not to insult my intelligence, yet you think you are wiser than I am and insist on acting like you are some tough guy. Please, show me how tough you are over the internet...or if you actually want to show a little maturity...

    Stop acting like a donk. I am far beyond a patient and polite person, and I will treat you and anyone else with respect so long as that person is not a babbling idiot and returns whatever respect I give. I've humored you with rebuttals to your "list" or random thoughts, try and keep the immaturity to a minimum


    So thats how you treat people of lesser intelligence? You simply confuse them with complex sentences and grammar structure. It's a vBulletin Forum site for a Counter Strike Gaming Clan; if its such a problem for my friend to have spelling errors and sentence fragments with run-ons why are you in an engineering firm when you clearly could work at a college as a English Professor. It's people like you who think they are so burdened with lifes challenges at the age of 24 its clearly pathetic that you want to keep arguing over how "awesome" you like to make yourself sound. Its irrelevant and off topic. What the Thread was about was peoples opinions on the Government and Obama's Reign as Supreme Socialist Commander of the United States of America. My View is [Obama] is glorified by the Media and public as some demi-god and messiah sent from the suburban slums of Chicago to save the United States from eating itself alive in debt and squander. Interestingly enough he is still a politician and shouldn't be trusted. Its my view on this country not yours. I've heard yours and I disagree but the point is I know what your message is about; rather than just reading two lines and screaming foul play. -Willis

    Friskies- My dad is 35 and my mom is 34 there is nothing but learning going on with me. I love how you just turned this shit into a giant gramatical error and you know what. I learned that from my english teacher. ROFLCOPTER. but no really willis is right you did change the topic of this arguement all because a few miisspleld words? haha i mean seriously i am just starting marines training and i agree i do have alot more to learn in life, but you know what i am not the only one that needs to learn more to be honest i like you, you put up a good arguement i never really wanted to end up arguing this bad. But we all have a lil growing up to do. Although you may be 24, you are not a god in my eyes. Honestly if you think about it why would i have to spell and do everything correctly on a meesley blog c'mon thats just pathetic. I will be waiting upon your reply...XD

  15. Yall got rid of willis? And to think I was about to post in here some more. I'm tempted (but thinking I wont) post the pm he sent me, and the one I sent back to show you how ridiculous it got. I think I'm a sensible person, but this guy was literally making me feel like I was arguing with a wall...*sigh* some people

  16. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Willis_690 @ Mar 24 2009, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    1. Madmartigan..Thats some one else's opinion I didn't post the second half with Friskies in Front of it that was my friend..2. Your a Fucking Peon if you think they intend to do good..Lesson One They aim to alleviate themselves in power and money by running for offices, The Higher the Office the more Power and more money it doesn't need to picked through that much its just as simple as that. Don't get me wrong I love games..And Anarchy wouldn't have worked 10 years ago but now it would if everyone could just see past their differences and work together in groups. Thats All I'm saying.

    Anarchy my man, is never a viable option. Anarchy doesn't just imply no government, it implies no leadership. And in the same way that governments will always be flawed, so will people always be of different temperaments. This is in reference to the way that if you put 10 people in a room, one or two of them will always command the others. The others will fall into place naturally. This is why there is government on a fundamental level (government today doesn't run out of fundamentals though) and why some form of authority will always exist. Play out what happens with no authority and you get Lord of the Flies, or some other instance where authority spawns out of nothing. Anarchy isn't just something that has no time sensitive thought put into it, but it's idiotic and invites chaos.

    Now just because I think anarchy isn't a wise decision, that doesn't mean I think that our government has not been blown up to something way too large. Downsize the government by about 80%...remove about 80% of our taxes and under all the circumstances, I think that would be a pretty good solution to alot of our countries problem today.

    By the way, there are much more valid ways to express your omnipotent views than the verbiage above. Don't attempt to insult my intelligence again and I won't insult yours...

    Lesson 1 - re-read what I said.

    Lesson 2 - if you're going to have a lesson one, there has to be one following it, "lesson one" necessitates a "lesson 2". Lesson 3 - go read up on your history. You might find that many governments (including guess who's?) are BORN out of the necessity for a better way to provide for people. That doesn't in any way mean that politicians and power hungry fools haven't manipulated it into a refinery for their desires.

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