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Posts posted by HCMikey

  1. I've always like serif. Also hornycat why harass him? He as nothing but respectful

    Wait wut? I'm not harassing him. I'm one of the few who actually likes the dude, He is one of the funner guys on the servers. I just think it's funny that at any moment, serif will actually turn into a night elf

  2. do you not read? or are you literally my avatar?

    it's against the rules now, you can't have custom skins of any kind on the server. 

    stop shit posting, thanks.


    Do you enjoy writing all your posts like a condescending cunt?


    Valve sent out a memo via a listserv that all custom servers should not use plug-ins that modify ranks or skins in anyway. So we're losing the mm/xp rank modifications we have too.


    Must of been recent then. Initially, I remember the plugin being taken down because of server crashes. Oh well, I guess that's why the mvp stars that mean percentage maxed have been introduced.

  3. Wraeclast bugs:

    • Immortal leather belt, like you said, doesn't regenerate armor.
    • Item that grants 50 extra starting armor at spawn is only giving 25 armor.
    • The one that leeches 10% percent of damage and then gives it to your armor is also weird/buggy

  4. I looked at it's KDR its kinda meh..the argument about abuse rarely ever happens and is generally squashed. But I liked his idea of giving it forced crouch with bonus movement speed like you said the race needs something why not start with making something that shouldn't move..move faster...


    I would have loved seeing this race get a 50% chance to spawn radioactive barrels that slowly does more damage the closer you get to them.

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