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Posts posted by HCMikey

  1. so.. i assume any and all parts made for this computer are made by razer, and only compatible with razer.


    Yep. You see the problem now? Razer has some pretty terrible markups and this will just be one of those.


    I would be so glad if they pulled a Microsoft Xbox One on consumers and said the case is just decoration and that this isn't a proprietary pc.

  2. More like what alienware should've been but without the monstrous price gouging



    As of right now, this is a monopoly for them. You can't buy any ssd 500gb hard drive and stick it into that modular case, it doesn't work like that. Razer is doing the selling and there is currently no competition. Remember that this is marketed for the super hardcore gamers that don't know shit about building a pc ( Which is extremely easy and you might learn a thing or two if you tried)


    At least Alienware remains flexible and you can still change stuff without the need of a special product, and, funny enough, the flexibility that razer is trying to accomplish with this project is actually doing the opposite and making things completely constraint. Think Apple back in 2003 and 2004 when they were first getting popular and starting to make a name for themselves with the creation of the itunes music store, ipod, etc and you get this.



    Maybe I'm completely wrong, and 5 or 6 years from now, well probably see this everywhere, but according to how it's presented now, good luck trying to get this for under 2 grand.

  3. I dont like the idea of bonus abilities for titles IMO. Just causes inbalance for a race that is already balanced. I do like the aesthetic part of it, however. Kind of like with WoW and earning titles through achievements. You don't get any bonus but you can show off your e-peen.

    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk


    This is where we have to draw the line though. The titles should give buffs not abilities, and I'm beginning to wonder that if this were ever implemented on the server, would some races have some titles restricted?


    For example, the one where you crusader wish a negev seems fine to me, but giving zombie something like bash or roots on hit would just completely cause mayhem and complaints everywhere. Sticking to buffs only and not extra skills is the key to doing this title system thing right.

  4. Naturally hes a good ole boy whenever I'm on the server, I wonder.


    You don't even know the half of it man. He's all smiles until you turn your back. I should of mentioned what vex said about him going back to spawn, buying a grenade with a bind, and then going back to kill people with grenade spamming.


    Just a 2 day ban will do the trick, hell, I don't think anybody would care if it was 1 week. I think the server would enjoy pug not being fox-tail for one whole week.

  5. Rayne, you don't even play on the warcraft server. I do. I play a fuckton of wcs. Understand that adding the title system is a positive. Yes we do have lag, we are not oblivious to it, we know the server is a laggy piece of shit and that is why we are trying to improve the situation.


    Please direct your ad hominem elsewhere.

  6. For some reason, I thought the 5v5 screenshot was a comp match and this was a joke thread. I guess not. 


    Tortoise was most likely joking but even then, he did say it. If we punish random people on the server for racism when they say it, but not staff members, what does that say about our clan?


    Did you ask him to please stop with the racism? Or did he constantly say it?

  7. And when you add more stuff to a server that is already lagging as it is?

    Don't talk to me as if I don't enjoy mods, I ran a modded cs:a clan for a while and I fully support and love modded cs:s. Like I said before, sometimes it comes a time when it's too much.

    No need to get your panties in a twist sweetie.


    Donation for a better cpu is on the top right. if you feel so strongly about the server's wellbeing, you should contribute. The server is not going to back down and it will always keep evolving and maybe months from today we will have +100 races.

  8. Pug is constantly breaking the rules and he knows he breaks them. A bunch of regulars have known this for a while and I was on the verge of banning him yesterday for breaking yet another rule. Just the other day he was whoring fox-tail on de_dust, he rejoins the server and picks the race again with 0 kills and 0 deaths to avoid the script changing his race. Dmech has proof of this and many others can vouch for this too. I really don't know how he keeps getting away with it.


    He's a terrible admin and goes bonkers when something doesn't go his way. I can vouch that he does free kick people since he does it to me when I call him out on the rules he breaks.


    Wizard/hornycat was kicked on the last round because hornycat kicked pug for having necklace of immunity on round 1, IK i have no proof just giving more evidence a bit or something


    This is the truth^. I kicked him for having round 1 necklace of immunity and, for the reason, I wrote "You know what you did wrong" because it wasn't the first time this has happened. On the last round just before the drops, pug kicks me for no apparent reason other than the fact that he was a little mad when I kicked him for breaking the rules.


    I will ban pug for the maximum amount of time next time I catch him breaking the rules. I get on wcs everyday and I constantly have to deal with him trying to loophole every little thing on the server.



    pug won his admin from the last war3 event we had and his admin ran out today, so he no longer has any admin privileges. 



    you need to prove that the abuse you're describing actually happened with either screenshots or demo's.



    He still has admin. I don't know whether you guys forgot to take it away after the one month period or if he is actually buying admin now.

  9. I agree with this fully.

    There comes a time when you are trying to change too much of the game, you'll spoil it and make it very un-attractive for new players who have never seen the concept before.


    You're the reason why the mod community in csgo dies down. I can debunk this whole "Spoil the game for the new players" thing but it will just be a long winded argument and I probably won't change your mind.


    But here are the facts, the wcs mod is already changing too much of the game, if you're going to start with that "I don't like change" shit, then get out. If you told me during the time of 1.6 that we were going to be able to have gravity nades and flying player models or races that teleport you back 5 seconds in time, I would call you delusional. This isn't the case anymore. If you can't wrap your head around a fucking title system, then you have no business in wcs, not that it's even complicated to begin with.


    You also don't play on the wcs server very much so let me just say that new players are actually enjoying all the shit we keep on adding, and are regulars are on every night. We are at that stage where we are no so much worried about attracting new players because the server is already pretty fucking good. It's the reason why the server is full constantly. This isn't ZE where we have to fill 40+ slots. We are maxing the wcs server almost every single night.


    The title system will keep people on the server longer because it gives us shit to look forward to and goals to work for in-game. In no way does this detract from the wcs experience. 

  10. Please can we get the time these games will be happening. I work on saturday in the morning. I would prefer if these tournaments took place after 6 pm, most if not all people are usually home by this time. (If you work nights, that fucking sucks)

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