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Posts posted by Noobzilla

  1. For indoors, it doesn't matter too much what you wear because you probably aren't going to blend in very well. It is really preference about what you think would look cooler. I personally wear all black because that's what I have traded with people.


    Also, in the way of vests, if this indoor place is pretty close quarters than you might want a chest rig instead of a vest. Chest rigs provide much more movement but they have less pockets. You might want to spend a bit more to get really nice knee pads, nice knee pads could be the difference between you having a good game and having a shitty one where you are always trying to adjust them.


    I hope you have fun! I play both airsoft and paintball and I love indoor places where it's really close quarters. If you're brave enough you can get some pretty good hits on people and if you get shot then you have a nice little battle scar.

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