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Posts posted by Noobzilla

  1. So only innos can hear it? Then that gives you an easy way to find out traitors. Over inno chat - " alright guys if you can hear me through this say this codeword through regular chat" if there was a traitor nearby and he couldn't hear that then they just kill him since he didn't know the codeword. It sounds like a dumb idea to me.

  2. So I pre - ordered Bioshock Infinite and played it today and I have to say, it is AMAZING. The story telling and aspects of Colombia along with the combat are great. I thought that taking the story out of Rapture would be a bad idea considering they had some pretty good things going with Big Daddys and being underwater and all. But this game is so good its hard to believe it shares the same name as the past 2 games.

    For people who have played it, do you enjoy it as much as I do? Would you say Bioshock Infinite is the Game of the Year for 2013?

  3. 6000 minutes is pretty harsh for 2 kills. It doesn't sound like whoever banned you listened to your side of the story which makes it even worse. Aphex is a good guy and probably didn't deserve this but we probably need whoever banned you's side of the story.

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