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Posts posted by Audiovox

  1. I dunno, you have a facebook or something? That's prolly the only real way we would ever get to talk much lol I just don't feel very attached to anyone on the forums, don't have any significant ties to them or ways to get to know them better, bunch of strangers :P No offense of course, it's just the way it works out. I'd be happy to add some people though, just made my facebook a week or so ago to get away from myspace for a bit >< Pm me any details and I'll add you on whatever, myspace, facebook, aim and so on.


  2. I'm not trying to argue who was right and who was wrong, I really don't give a damn, I just get sick of seeing the same things posted over and over again. If it was as simple as he was the higher level, why not just fucking say it to him instead of being evasive and unwilling to talk about it? Eventually ending up in a mute then a ban, it's retarded. Sure, as an admin you don't have to explain what you're doing, but be the responsible one and at least answer his questions in ways that don't provoke this kind of shit. No need to say things like "Because I said so, end of discussion." I'd get pissed off too.


  3. Jesus, you people are fucking stupid, yes he avoided mute after 4 rounds of silence, but he was first on the race, why SHOULD he have to switch if he got dibs? Sounds like an admin being a dick just because he can or to get colt 45 on the race. I'd be willing to bet that Colt is Sunday's friend in this case. Every time I read something in the complaints forums I get pissed off, comment on something, then move to the next issue, don't keep saying you shouldn't have avoided the mute, no shit, that's obvious, let's look at the rest of the picture now please.


  4. Oreo, I love you, good bye man thanks for everything you've done here and for not giving up on UV when the times got rough. But as promised, this means the end of my time here as well, not like I was doing much anyways. Of course I'll still be around the forums and all that to ruin your funny moments and throw monkey wrenches all up in your debates. I'll make my own thread so I don't take over this one Oreo, peace man.


  5. Oh shut the fuck up, I could come here and complain all day about the things I've been through recently, you are not alone. Man up, asshole. Or better yet, go cry some, that will make you loads better, eh?


  6. Example of what I mean is in squirrel's post, he says he hates pot because it takes away friends and stuff, last time I checked pot is an inanimate object, I'm not trying to bash him for it or anything, I just do not like contradictions like that when he quotes a post calling us ignorant dumb asses. Btw, I un-give up on the thread because we seem to be reaching an agreement finally.


  7. Nope that was a perfectly valid post, I will not belittle you for taking Valium, it is of your own free will, who am I to judge? I don't know your situation or how you came about it, and it is none of my business really. Weed is only a problem if you choose to abuse it, just like if you would choose to abuse Valium, it would become a problem. That is the only issue I've had with you guys so far, weed is like guns in that respect, it's only a horrible thing when handled wrong.


  8. Cool, just don't call us ignorant for saying we smoke, and like it, when you ask our opinions of it. And fix your pole question/answers, they don't make sense. I personally don't care if people smoke or not, it's up to them, I will do as I please as I see fit with my life and I will not be called ignorant for having different beliefs than you guys. As for the pole, no, I do not personally smoke, but obviously I don't hold it against those that do. *DEAD* you said before you do other drugs, that's all I'm saying about that. Matter of fact, I'm going to go ahead and give up on this thread, cause I have been through this too many times since I've been here, much like you guys have, just on the other side of the fence usually.

    It sucks you guys have managed to lose friends and family members to weed, I don't know what to tell you aside from you must mean "lost" as in they started smoking and you stopped hanging out with them, cause I doubt they OD'ed on it. Either that or they moved into bigger and badder things. Which can happen and does truly suck, I might not consider pot to be a full fledged stepping stone drug, but usually those that deal in pot get their hands sticky else where if times are rough and one thing leads to another sometimes.


    EDIT: And squirrlebait, I agree with you in that people that abuse substances make it hard for me to be neutral about them using it. Such as alcohol and cigs, neither are horrible unless abused and it would seem that making it all illegal might help fix it, but who can really say? That's why I go with the free will thing, let them decide what they want to do and bitch slap them when they get out of line with it.

  9. Well I have to agree with you. And no, Im not aggravated by what you said. There is a difference between opinions, and insults. Although you did use your opinions, you used them to directly insult me.

    I was not trying to insult you, I was just stating my opinions about insane clown posse and my obvious distaste for them.

    Now, why you would say such things is beyond me. Maybe you don't like the word "pothead". That's understandable. Maybe what I said offended you. That's cool. But what you need to learn is to not let stupid shit people say get to you. But what I said was true. We disagree about drugs, and drug addicts flip out. You try to find something to use against us to start "talking shit"...

    I have no problem with the word pothead, I call my brother that all the time. You have no place telling me what I need to learn, and this is where our problem is, you are not my mother nor do I have any reason to follow your beliefs. We disagree about drugs, and the people that use them defend their beliefs, and we are "flipping out"? Once again I was just using the insane clown posse to help get my point across.

    We all have our beliefs. It's what makes us human. It's how freewill works. I mean, if you want to get ignorant about ALL of this, then I can give you my straight up opinion about drugs, but that wouldn't be too nice of me considering I have very high standards and I believe in respect.

    You are basically saying what I have said twice. And what is with you and calling people ignorant? You can go fuck yourself and your egotistical almighty end all opinions, the way you said this "I mean, if you want to get ignorant about ALL of this, then I can give you my straight up opinion about drugs, but that wouldn't be too nice of me considering I have very high standards and I believe in respect." Is fucking stupid, you contradict yourself in your own talk. You say "I mean, if you want to get ignorant about ALL of this," directly being a dick and making my views out to be ignorance then act like a white knight with information too great for any of us to handle"but that wouldn't be too nice of me considering I have very high standards and I believe in respect.", way to go with the whole respect thing, ass hole.

    But you have me curious now... Which part struck a nerve? :P

    The parts where you called all of us ignorant for defending our beliefs and making your own opinion out to be the ultimate truth, as if you know.

    Also, why would someone hate on someone for the music they listen to? I never understood as to why that happens. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean we have to.

    Jesus, no fucking shit?!? I was trying to use ICP as an example of how stupid it looks for us when you try to hate on weed. "Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean we have to." DING! /facepalm

    And just for clarification. I never once said I didn't do drugs now did I? lol. I know the reasons why most do it, and I don't blame them. It's the addicts that annoy me. And im pretty sure they annoy you. Ever have someone come to you trying to sell stuff so they can get their quick fix? :P

    You speak of a portion of the population dominated by crack heads and various other hard drug abusers, never once in my whole life have I ever had someone trying to sell me stuff just to buy weed. Stay on topic.

    EDIT: I don't believe in god, that's why I said "(and i cant believe im saying this)"

    EDIT2: I like long walks on the beach with a very fine woman in hopes that I can get some lol

    EDIT3: I didn't really edit anything, I just felt like doing this.

    Way to go *high fives* more respect points for you! I totally couldn't figure out that you were just doing what you claimed to have too high of standards for.

    TL;DR You disgust me with your blabbering know all attitude, you run around in circles in your posts almost as if you have no idea what you're talking about (go figure) GTFO of the debate section. Oh god you are so stupid it hurts ><


  10. Ok, let's put it this way, to you, obviously, that Juggalo shit must be pretty cool. To me, it's fucking stupid, and I don't even know what it is or what they are about. But considering they use the word Homies, they sound like wiggers with a gimmick trying to make it big. Yes, that is stereotypical of me and I'm sure it happens all the time, I don't care, it's my opinion and I will not change it unless I see fit. Now, if I liked that juggalo thing, I might choose to get pissed off about what I just said, like you probably are, even if it's only a mild pang in the very lowest depths of your mind. None the less, that is also a direct result of your own opinion, which you won't change unless you choose to do so. Fair enough? This can be applied to just about anything. The use of the word ignorant from you is also rather amusing honestly, to me at least, when you have something like that in your signature, which draws from a self destructive and "ignorant" new age culture (IN MY OWN OPINION) Sounds like I'm not the only one being stereotypical here ^^ Go ahead, get upset so I can call you ignorant as you did, because that obviously accurately depicts the word ignorant. (?!??)


    EDIT: "You always claim someone is trolling when we say what we believe. If thats what we are doing, then you're also trolling for doing the exact same thing as us. Please stop saying everyone is trolling just because you dont like them (if thats the real reason)..." My bad, I'm trolling apparently :\

    EDIT2: Lmao, insane clown posse, I'm not saying anything else.

  11. Exactly, we all know the truth, each truth can be different from each person. It's only as true as we make it to ourselves, so why does it matter? Let's look at other, more provable things. Such as, if pot were legalized, my brother would have a clean record, that's a massive deal when you're trying to get jobs and make it in life in general. We could talk about the amount of cases awaiting trial and how much it might help the legal system to legalize pot. Or how legalizing it might make it easier for kids to get a hold of it, or what the fuck ever. Or I guess you can just keep talking about the health part of it, we all know it has good and bad things, just like everything else in the world, we can argue the good and bads of just about anything, but good luck making a definitive decision on if the risks out weight the benefits, because that will vary from person to person. Example, martial arts has many many benefits and most people view the benefits as outweighing the risks, such as breaking bones, horrible joints at older ages, being overly jumpy and protective, or even things as trivial as too much time investment or they don't think their body will allow it. Another example, microwaving food. Some people believe it ruins the food, others think it makes their day more convenient to a point that it's better for them to save the time than to eat healthy. W/e I'ma do what I'ma do either way, feel free to say what you will, but don't make your views to be more correct than anyone elses, especially not mine, cause it's as true as it gets for me.


  12. Hmmm...burning to death, I'm not sure exactly how it works, seems like you might die from the pain (shock, w/e), either that or pass out from oxygen deprivation, or the pain. Seems like with freezing you just shut down after a while, depending on how you're frozen, like the rate and stuff, what you're in and all that, it would hurt till the nerve cells are frozen or killed. Ok, being tossed in acid would suck, can we agree on that?


  13. I believe weed should be legalized and the age should be the same as cigs or alcohol. It's such a common thing now a days that it causes more problems being illegal than it would being legal, and in all honesty, I don't think it would be nearly as bad as a lot of people make it out to be if it was legal. We can cite sources and argue all day about the positives and negatives of it to try and figure out exactly what would happen, but we can never really know until it happens, much like making alcohol illegal back in the day. That turned out bad, so we just switched it back around after experimenting, I don't see why the same couldn't be done here. And yeah yeah, the number of people in jail that would be released because of pot related charges and all that bs, whatever, we have a government to handle that kind of thing, it's their job to deal with this stuff, so I don't want to hear it. Take it as it comes and do your best, we will be fine.


    EDIT: Also, yes, I have smoked weed, but I personally see no point in smoking it or cigs or drinking alcohol, it's just not me. But my brother smokes all the time and was actually a big dealer in my area before he got busted a little while back, so I know my fair share about weed. He literally will smoke 1-2 times a day while playing games on the computer, free will is an amazing thing.

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