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Posts posted by Audiovox

  1. DANI! :D Had no clue you were here! That's pretty awesome lol I must say though, I'm not sure if I prefer you in orange or blue :P

    And I'm not sure yet, loading. I haven't had a big talk with anyone quite yet, but I have a few ideas floating around ^^

    DotA2 looks like it could be cool, but Riot has set a very high standard, so we'll see if they can keep up. However, I'll definitely give it it's fair share of attention to see if it holds water.


  2. That makes me sad ): Everyone needs a good pub stomping every once in a while, it keeps you in check, keeps you from becoming complacent. In any case, once again, thanks for your concern. <3


  3. I sense some sort of deep rooted hatred in those words. What's the matter, you one of those DotA tryhards? Or maybe you just got pub stomped in LoL while playing for the first time and decided the game sucked. Either way, thanks for the reassurance, cause we all know fitting in is just... fabulous. I was worried there for a second that I might be a social reject or something, ha.


  4. Yeah, Marcos' name was a typo on my part, ignore that :P Thanks for the updates though, guys.


    EDIT: Also, I have my own vent I chat on, but if I can remember I'll hit you guys up. Atm I'm playing wow, css, LoL, MW2/BO and vindictus, for the most part.

  5. I see Junzou is still in the orange name, where is his ass? Who do I talk at about all of this? I need updates, brah, I haven't exactly been around in a while either xD


    EDIT: Well damn, thanks for the updates. Er... I'll wait around to hear from someone I suppose, I'm sitting in Color Theory atm, can't afford to look TOO distracted or she'll start to suspect I'm not painting. Ha, I love gullible people. And photoshop.

  6. Zm does appear to need some help. Makes me sad and excited all at the same time. My last stay here was cut off by college, but perhaps now I can work something out for you guys, especially seeing as I'm starting to get back into CSS. Idk, I'll find someone to talk at about all this, hang tight guys and post stuff you'd like to possibly see (assuming anything does happen) in the meantime, if you'd like. Much love <3


  7. Howdy. Who tha fuck is you guys? Where's the rest of the downs crew? Junzou? Oreo? Bios? Foh? Blaze? Macros? D&G? Looooooooooongcat? Clay? Kelso? Contract? Hobo? Project? fatboy? And everyone else?


  8. I believe I've explained this once a loooong time ago. But basically, back when Halo PC and CE were the shit, I was just getting into online gaming. Having had a background in RTS games, I never had a huge reason to be online. In any case, I started playing CS CZ and Halo PC and discovered I needed to play under my own name so the guys on the servers wouldn't confuse me for my friend. As I was sitting at his computer, I looked around the room for a bit to find inspiration, then I noticed his cell phone in front of me on his desk. I looked on the cover and saw "Audiovox", was like "fuck it", and it stuck. I have since been known as Audiovox and Audio.

    tl;dr I saw it on my friends cell phone and rolled with it.


  9. Jared buys anything Apple comes out with, that's a given. He must be up to like, what, 2-3 notebooks and 1-2 desktops from them by now? Good to see Junzou still around, but I notice an apparent lack of Chaos, what happened to her? :( Gmod server is a trend, but perhaps it'll actually catch this time. sG gaming league... that sounds interesting, but i haven't played CSS in a while xD Been WoWing it up lately >< That and various 360 games anyways. Oh, and UDK/game dev things of various sorts. ! and college, almost out for summer break soon if I remember right :P


  10. I figure it's about that time of the year again, gotta check up on you guys again xD What all have I missed this time around? I see the forums and servers are still running strong, good good.


  11. It's not my place to try and judge whether or not this is real or w/e, I see no way we can know for sure either way. But I do maintain that we lost a member here in the community, and real or not, Sharlott did make for some fun times. So in a way, she did die, just not in the traditional way. But all that is assuming she isn't real or w/e, otherwise, it fucking sucks if she was real and committed suicide.


  12. This is beyond horrible to hear. I hope you are just messing with us, but a sinking feeling inside tells me you speak the truth. I cannot find the words to describe what I'm feeling right now, but one thing is coming through very clearly, I feel incredibly sad to hear that she took that path, I had hoped she was not active on the forums anymore because she was busy in the Military, not because of something like this. I don't know what else to say... but I hope she is resting in peace now. I'm sorry for you loss, for our loss.


  13. For what it's worth, I WANTED to ban him a few times when I heard of his antics. I believe everyone here knows about him, I mean, it should be obvious by now. Also, it's obvious again that this is no big deal to him, considering the manner of his post and track record, he's just making jest of us basically. But we already know that don't we?


  14. I saw your point of view, but from experience, it's almost always a death trap the first 20-30 seconds outside spawn for CT's, I was going to suggest that it was a valid tactic so long as he was not the last CT holding up a game, but kinda got side swiped by the disrespect thing. As far as I know, seeing as it is WCS and shit is crazy all the time anyways, we've never really had a spawn camping rule there, mostly cause it's a matter of seconds before we reach one anothers spawns. So yeah, I just viewed it as you being mad cause you got gayed for once, that and I didn't actually see him myself, so it would have been stupid to take action unless a good majority of the server spoke up. Anyways, I really don't wanna stress this all that much, it's not that big of an issue to me, I just don't like being called out on things like this. (hence, walls of text)


    EDIT: Erm, on a side note, I just recently started back trying to play WCS. As such, I'm not completely familiar with everything I feel I need to know to start actively moderating the game play and punishing people for stuff. After all, I'm just as prone to make the same mistakes till I learn better myself, that's why I tend to take a passive stance on most of the on going in WCS atm. Nothing worse than a noob admin trying to run things.

  15. Well that's the thing, I don't even know if spawn camping would be a legit issue on that map, UNLESS Spy was the last CT alive and was camping there, which clearly was not the case according to the SS's. Not to mention moles give a good reason to camp for a few seconds into the round. (no body complains on office about spawn camping on the CT's side, to back up my idea of camping the rescue zone to keep it T free) And as Spy said in the first SS "Not going to charge into them and die like an idiot.". So yeah, I'd still like to see what kids has to say, perhaps I'm missing something.


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