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Posts posted by Spell

  1. I'll just tell you this now. For the most part, people's opinions on mice cannot be trusted, as most people have differing styles of holding a mouse, so whats confortable for one may not be confortable for another.

    Just saying <3

  2. FYI, Changes in your diet is what changes your weight.

    Exercise just determines what weight is lost/gained.

    Genetics do play a part in it, but it's actually not as much as you think. It's easy to look at a family of fatties and say "ITS GENETICS" Because they're all fat.

    Yes, did i say changes in diet do not affect it? No, i just said if someone wishes to eat a SPecific diet which is reasonable, then they NEED to modify their daily routine in what physical activities they have. Obviously if you go full on heavy fat foods, and ice cream towers the size of a medium pitbull, then fuck, you need to go back and stop that shit. But if you have a diet which is appropriate for your weight area, then accompany that Diet WITH appropriate physical activity.

    Lets be honest here, you dont need to be eating a 5000 calorie diet if you sit on your ass infront of a computer all day with zero physical activity other than pressing buttons on a keyboard and mouse. However if you were to start working out and the like, changing your diet would be most beneficial.

    So all in all, im not Disagreeing with you here, im just stating changing the Diet isnt enough, you MUST accompany that with a change in phsyical activity.

  3. Mmmhm, fat people. Fun subject.

    Honestly, it's been flogged with a whip so many times now, but i guess i'll restate it.

    Being fat has a multitude of sources. These sources are both physicall and mental. The fact that it is emotionally depressing in being overweight(from what i have been told, i've always been just above anorexic) in that you physically do not want to or have the motivation to change the physicall appearence that you have.

    While i honestly find some arguements total bullshit, i find this one to have a large grey area. Mainly because genetics play a key factor in this, as well as upbringing. As i come from a southern home, with high fatty foods such as large rack of ribs, fried chicken and the like, i've honestly loved every part of it. However consuming high fatty foods means you SHOULD be physically active constantly, as if you sit on your ass and just play games/watch t.v the pounds will pack on[ Yes, talking from experience here, i've put on more weight since i started playing video games more and more than from when i didnt play them nearly as much]. This lazy life style combined with bad food choice, eg fast food/junk, can be attributed to the cause of major obesity.

    Let's take southern Cooking for example. It generally contains insane amount of calories, fats and salts. For the normal person who just eats this regularly but who does not do active phyiscal labor OR work out constantly, this type of diet would add weight on gradually.

    On the otherhand, if you take the same diet, but apply it to a person who works construction( no, not sit on your ass manager position. The in the mud and grit construction workers) they wont be nearly as obese as the person who works an office job that only see's sunlight for 5 minutes a day. Why? Their physical activity sets them apart, as they burn more and more.

    So all in all, the arguement of why people are fat all comes down to oppurtunity, and let's face it, majority of people when it comes down to it would rather choose to sit on their ass and munch on some cow shit patties(fast food burgers) rather than eat a healthy meal which is appropriate for their lifestyle.

    Also, this post is coming from someone who is 5' 10' and weights just under 140lbs. So take from it what you will. I weighed under 100 lbs until 7th grade i believe.

  4. Let's be honest here, Half the time you all are acting like fucktards and when asked to stop being dipshits, you either get angry OR continue acting like dipshits.

    True, some admins singled you out, but fuck, its not singling you out if you are already acting like a fucktard. In essence, the few that were causing issues should have been delt with. Those not causing major issues( if you spam admin chat everytime you die, you should be muted/gagged) should either be ignored, or be kicked with a valid reason OR if it calls for it, a simple 2-6 hour ban to stop the raging/ idiocy.

    Now, i'll admit, i cant stand you guys but it has no basis of the SOD shit, i honestly dont give a shit what clan you are in, you act like fucktards expect to be treated like fucktards.

    @ your reporting of admin abuse:

    I see that you guys been reporting admins "abusing", yet unless the player doesnt like it, i dont see the issue. Also, do report your own member that had admin and was spamming the shit out of it the other night, if you guys are all about playing fair and reporting abusive admins*.

    *I believe one of you had admin, couldnt remember the name of the individual from SOD spamming the shit out of slaps and stuff, unless it was someone else, if so my apologies.

  5. On the opinon, I say ban him for scripting.

    no, ban him for cheating, not scripting.

    Scripting is fine, depending on the Nature of the script. Binding Mwheel for jumping/ shooting [eg: mwheelup +attack ; mwheeldown +attack] (useful for spamming dualies) is a more acceptable form of scripting. However using scripts to augment your aim, such as pulling down all your shots rather than have them go all over the place is crossing the line in my opinion.

    So, in my opinion, simple scripts that do not augment the ability are ok, such as mwheel bound to firing/jumping (spamming/ bhoping), while a bhop script which effectively bhops for you, or a script which basically lets you shoot in the same spot every time( which this effectively is) are crossing the line into who is a bigger script downloader then.

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