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Posts posted by MisterTurkes

  1. I think this is the main problem right here. I've died within 4-6 hits when chickened at full health so I'm going to assume chickens have headshot hitboxes. Also it really isn't that hard to kill a chicken. Simple solution: Don't use your ult on every person you see.

    thats hardly possible when i think it has a 30 second cooldown at max

  2. Reducing the damage reduction is silly, you would be basically giving Witch Doctor free kills every time it turns someone into a chicken... which is like at least 1 encounter every round. The point of the damage reduction is to make it fair on the other end, sure they can't shoot but at least they have a chance to live through the ordeal, meanwhile you get some free damage in on them.

    yes i understand that the damage reduction is necessary but holy shit it does a base of 13 damage to the chest and arms with body armor on. with 50% damage reduction it takes 15 direct hits to the chest of the other person in order to do 100 damage and we have races with plenty upwards of that. Please coolness tell me that you understand its need to be reduced

  3. Probs cause it's disorienting AF on the receiving end of it. Also I have no problem dying as a chicken, it only takes like 3 more bullets than usual.

    you do understand that nothing happens to their FOV. they don't know they're a chicken other than a small blue overlay akin to battlefield 3.  I does slow but j mafia was flying with kirin tor so yeah it does nothing to disorient them. and no you can stand over someone you hexed and shoot them in the back and do 48 in 8.


    Edit: It seems people are caught up in the duration of the Hex and its challenge to proc when it isnt the issue at all. The issue is that you have a mac 10 and they have 50% damage reduction

  4. This race would be fun if the person you turn into a chicken didn't have 50% damage reduction. Please if someone would look into fixing this race because why would you ever make your target smaller and tougher when you have a mac 10 that already does no damage

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