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Frosted Butts

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Posts posted by Frosted Butts

  1. This plus teleporter equals detective getting knifed and the traitor escaping, perfect for those crowded situations when you need to pick someone off. I want to combine this with suicide bomb, but it would take to long to charge...

    Apart from the fact that you wouldn't be able to carry all 3 at once, it could be included without being overpowered... If anyone wants something new, thats my suggestion but i also agree that TTT could be fun for a long time just as it is

  2. I believe theres a way to limit the maximum download rate in network settings of the computer itself, though I haven't used a PC in a while. If not, there are a lot of ways to make it seem like he has a virus without there actually being one. Maybe he'll stop torrenting if he "gets a virus"

  3. Hi, My real name is John and there's not much to say, I'm in the boyscouts

    Many friends tell me everyone in boyscouts hates it. My best friend regrets ever making the commitment and says its boring work.


  4. I was looking in my inbox and found this letter from CC90, its from 08/07. Heres what he sent me after I commented on getting into a fist fight with a "nazi"

    You have never fought a nazi, you have fought jewish wannabes, or inbreds pretending to be. They are what we call "Neo Nazis", or "skinheads". They have no right to the organization and are a bunch of uneducated fags. You want to fight a real National Socialist? A politically motivated individual willing to risk his life to kill every single one of you for the betterment of the movement? Come talk to me. -cc90


    Fly to Auschwitz and fuck his shit.

  5. I go to bed at 3:00 am wake up at 3:30 and i got hit really hard in the stomach. 15 secs it happen again. then stopped i told my brother about and same happen to him!Some creepy shit is goin on in my house

    I once woke up with the wind knocked out of me, but i didnt feel like i got punched. :/ maybe those bean burritoes you had for dinner were rocking your insides?

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