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Posts posted by Ruffles

  1. If you have problems with admins in jb why not simply screenshot/demo then report? You guys complain about admin abuse and I agree these new admins like to abuse their power. But if you guys don't give us proof of these admins abusing nothing will happen.

  2. this is my post in the thread someone made in the staff forums about unbanning seabagz (i would've responded yesterday to this thread, but i wasn't home yesterday):

    I can agree. One day I played surf with him and he was just being annoying as hell. He kept saying "SEABAGZ for SO!" He's gotten to be pretty obnoxious since he has gotten in sG.

  3. He was vet. if you look in shout box him and toxy got into a fight. Toxy used his power to ban him from forums and remove his VET.

  4. I've been playing JB for over 3 years... And have 10x the hours some SO's have. You're comment seems logical but just isn't how it works.

    Sorry, I meant to up vote you! I agree with naughty. I've put in aton of hours in jb in c:ss. And Cs:go. Avery for SO 2013!

  5. It was a joke. MIA had always came to me threatening to kill us. I always took it to whom I had to to reslove it and stop MIA from fucking our servers. Theres been a many of times where I have helped stop MIA from ruining sG. 


    It was a bad joke based on the fact that he contacts me for whatever reason. Although he hasn't in years.


    Think or believe what you want. I'm now used to being the bad guy. My apologies. Me thinking I'm funny gets the best of me  in this case.



    FOH FOR JCS 2013

    Didn't really seem like a joke when I read all the posts posted by you "sij" members. But all in all, I still believe in second chances.
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