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Posts posted by `rAwR

  1. Terraria and borderlands, I can't DL borderlands tho, it kept saying steam servers r busy :(

    Change the location of the servers you are downloading from, it should fix your problem

  2. batman arkham asylum GOTY

    mass effect

    mass effect 2





    deadspace 2

    the last remnant

    fallout3 GOTY

    fallout new vegas

    battlefield bad company 2


    bioshock 2

    just cause 2


  3. Don't waste your time/money. It is EXTREMELY boring.

    Was a 50 rogue and did first 2 GSB bosses in the first 2 weeks.

    The PvE is not that great and PvP is awful.

    sooooooooooooooo boring

    This. I felt like there was not a whole lot to do in the game, so I got bored and cancelled my account.

  4. I would rather he not go to prison. In prison, he'll be well taken care of because of his condition. If he's forced to live at home, his family suffers too.

    That's messed up... I approve.

  5. Man, I sure arrived late to this little shenanigan that is this thread. Glad the public opinion seems to be that you're a faggot. Enjoy your ban. Next time, keep this shit to yourself, the rest of us don't need to know how much of a low-life you are.

  6. You know what else is dead?

    Tasty ^_^

    But anyways, yeah. Lulzsec seemed like a bunch of idiots, just sayin. It's cool to exploit loopholes and what not for the common good of the internet (i.e. wikileaks) - but I don't see any benefit in giving away 800,000 passwords/usernames and crashing websites/other internet services.

    @Musicfreak: That's what I heard to. The person they arrested was an IRC op of Lulzsec or something - not the head leader. But then again I don't care much ;P

    Serves them right, though. Watching their twitter feed was almost rage inducing. They were a little too public with what they were doing.

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