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Posts posted by Deadpool

  1. Hello, I will not take this unban for granted and I am very grateful to the syndicate gamers community. I think I was banned for scamming SG out of $5 like it was runescape. I honestly forgot to remove my Paypal dispute and probably lowered Marvin's rating thing. I am sorry. I've attempted returning to SG 3 times with multiple steam accounts and they each got banned one by one over the course of about a year. The latest ban look place during winter break where I just paid for gmod and CSS to play ttt. I gave up hope and had kobintention of returnig. I just wanted to play video games, but SG didn't want me. With this unban, I can now play videos games. Thank you


    TTT is saved.

  2. I believe he uploaded that video, but the weird shifts between levels and the fact it took him 8minutes to beat 5 levels when he supposedly beat all 30 in 6minutes means I don't believe he recorded it


    The cuts really don't matter because you can tell his amount of deaths in the top right corner.

  3. Noob question, but are the games downloaded thru steam when paid for from Amazon? 

    No. Amazon just gives you a digital download of it. Some games have steam codes though but most are just a digital download that I think you can add to steam.

  4. Any admins want to comment on this? I mean castle wars could probably be done without an admin but it would take significantly longer. If we had an admin's support with this it could actually end up happening. I was thinking that castle wars would probably require some admins to /give some blocks and maybe armor and weapons. If we really got a couple of people devoted to this it could be great. Is anyone interested in helping to build the castle?

  5. Could we possibly plan some sort of event for minecraft to encourage more people to play?


    I was thinking some sort of pvp/castlewars or do a battle royale type thing where people are only given certain items and have to survive/kill each other to win. Since I'm not an admin I can't really organize any of this but if other people think this is a good idea maybe we could get something going.


    I'm not saying that the server has to have events but it's pretty depressing that the only people who play now with some frequency (from what I've seen) are Junzou, Illogical, some randoms, and I.


    Republic of Congo, 7.1

    Ecuador, 7

    Ghana, 6.8

    Colombia, 6.7

    Iceland, 6.5

    Italy, 6.2

    South Africa, 6

    Sweden, 5.9

    Greece, 5.8

    Germany, 5.7

    New Zealand, 5.5

    UK, 5.5

    Canada, 5.5

    Spain, 5.5

    France, 5.3

    Australia, 5.2

    Russia, 5.2

    USA, 5.1

    Ireland, 5

    Romania, 5

    China, 4.3

    India, 4

    Thailand, 4

    South Korea, 3.8

    North Korea, 3.8




    ya sure Best Korea all right


    What are these numbers supposed to represent?


    Also welcome.

  7. I remember we used to have that voting system that didn't allow a map we just played to be voted for a few maps or some shit.

    That worked pretty well.


    Yeah it would be cool if we could go back to that. To be honest though, those maps are played the most because people enjoy playing on them. If they didn't, the maps wouldn't be chosen.

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