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Posts posted by JFK

  1. Now there's a maniac running around on a Norwegian Island (approx. population of 700) killing people.

    And said maniac was dressed up as a cop. I really don't think it's a coincidence that the explosions were aimed at important government explosions and this shooting was done at a camp set up by Norwegian Labour party youth organization.

    This is probably the most devastating event in Norway since World War II.

  2. Assuming you lean towards main-stream animes, the listed above are good suggestions.

    Also, based upon what I've heard about Seikon No Qwaser it'll probably be pretty good for you too.

    You beat me to it. :(

  3. LOLOLOL you are dumb i obv know who mitch is, i been playin on this server for like 3+ years. i just wanted to hear what people said about him

    No offense but that's a pretty dumb comeback.

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