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Posts posted by Fab

  1. Should the person be unmuted so they can alert the cts over a mic?

    Well, no they would say it over chat so it doesn't interfere with orders. For example if i were to alert you i would say "Deadpool, Come at me bro" then we would knife fight

  2. i liked this one sort of a wind freeday but ct's can retaliate as they are knifed full support.

    Pretty much however the CT's are also alerted beforehand and not just randomly knifed.

  3. A new freeday called "come at me bro freeday" this is where the t who chose this lr gets to pick any ct to knife fight with at any point in the round. They will say the ct's name followed by "Come at me bro"

  4. So i was there at the time of the abuse, well the doors opened at alittle after 4:00 and he no clipped everyone and gave everyone guns. And i can confirm style was last ct and playing music where herp derp interupted him with music and muted style.

  5. The harddrives got full of logs/crash dumps. Then, mysql couldn't write to the database so it fucked up the forums. Sourcebans on the servers couldn't use the database either, so the servers exploded. The only reason WCS stayed up was because I disabled sourcebans on it.

    Well at least its up and running again

  6. guys honestly i didn't know who konah was this morning, i just went onto jb and saw people with konah in their name. I didn't mean to be a troll or stupid, unobservant etc... I'm sorry about my original post too. I just wanted to know why people had it in their name. Sorry Konah by the way i hope your surgery went good.

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