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Posts posted by azile0

  1. Earlier, on Dust2, Ironman scored a headshot on somebody from the entire map away, with an M4, one shot, through 2 smoke nades while someone was crouched down defusing the bomb. He himself was in that ditch outside the CT spawn, and Fox promptly banned him. Just an FYI. Sorry to steal the fame, Fox.

    Edit : Hmm, I don't think this should be in Complaints, sorry.

  2. Isn't it like in the Bible somewhere that God created man in the "image of himself"

    Forced to disagree. Evolution states that humans evolved from a form of lesser Homos. I don't think God populated the Earth for about 4 Billion years before getting around to creating humans. But I am really done talking about this, as I don't want every Christian / Catholic in the Clan disliking me.

  3. I don't FLAT-OUT deny God, I just deny the fact that he is the image of a man. And I feel it hard to 'pray' to a God, when all the other times (and other people) prayers don't get answered. This would be a better world if God answered prayers, and gave miracles.

  4. Well, I will remain unconvinced that there is a God, until someone gives my PHYSICAL or SCIENTIFIC proof. I am not shitting on your religion, I am merely stating my disbelief.

    And, by physical evidence, I mean aliens landing on our planet that look EXACTLY like white men.

  5. Now, I will warn you, I will be debating Religion. So, if you are sensitive about Christianity/Catholicism, don't read below.

    I have been thinking about the portrayal of God as a white man, and I see many flaws in this image.

    One - White men are a minority on this planet. We really only exist in America, Europe, and Canada. Blacks / Mexicans / Asians / Africans / Japanese / etc.. take up much more of the population, and portraying God as an old white man just seems like idolism, which is against part of their faith.

    Two - Why would God, in all his divine glory, put himself in the image of us, when there are all those other planets he has created? Because, surely, he wouldn't just create Earth and be done with it? Why have a few billion worshipers when you can have an unlimited supply?

    Three- Again, why white men? Are blacks too dirty to be God? Are Asians too Brown? You HAVE to be white to share a kind of kinship with God? I hear people saying things like, "Well, God is black." How do you know? "Well, er, I heard it somewhere." So, you are still following the path of idolism, by portraying god as a human.

    Four- Humans are so barbaric, so bloodthirsty, why would a benevolent god show himself as one of us? Unless God enjoys watching his species rip eachother up.

    I have said my piece, now let me hear yours. And, if you are Christian/Catholic or whatever, don't go screaming at me. I don't want this to turn into a huge battlefield of words. Just express your opinion.

  6. I don't really care about a girl's appearance, although I really want her to be fit, and smart. A good imagination and a roleplaying fetish are required. I have my eyes on someone, but don't have the nerve to ask her out.

  7. Four criminal charges, and only 5 years of prison. I think he deserves more, although I think Kelso is right, and people take MySpace WAY to seriously. People just don't understand how EASY it is to make a false life on the internet. Hell, I could claim I am a 18 year old marine, slap some pictures off Google, and PRESTO! Nobody knows otherwise.

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