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Posts posted by azile0

  1. I read a book where, when we finally move off Earth, to extrasolar planets, each planet has a different 'type' of human. For example, after about 500 years OE ( Off-Earth, the measurement of years in the book ) Humans on a heavier gravity have developed to be shorter, stronger people with denser bones. Whereas the people on a lighter gravity planet were taller, thinner, and generally nimbler. When the heavier people visited the light planet, they could leap buildings and shit like that.

    The point is that we adapt to our surroundings. We may start to 'evolve' immunities to toxic waste and pollution, if we keep introducing it to the planet. We will all become radioactive people, and so when we leave earth, we have to have a radioactive patch on, or else we go into Radiance withdrawl..

    And when we encounter aliens, we can't contact them directly, because they will die of radiation poisoning.. But that's thinking too far ahead..

  2. Magic. Get guns that fire things like Fireballs, or Lightning. The guns are skinned to look like hands. Or a tactical Nuke, for Zombie Survival. A strong cade is REQUIRED, or you're fried. And you have to have a majority vote of 50% or more to go with it. Then the initiator can set the deployment zone, then GTFOB4BBQ.

  3. And not only can stem cells cure crippling diseases or replace organs, though would be able to help countless disabled and/or paralyzed people like my mother who suffer from debilitating neck/spine injuries. It would repair the spinal column, strengthen the vertebrae, and even cushion the brain stem to prevent possible further brain injury.

    Now. Read that post, and tell me that stem-cells are evil.

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