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Posts posted by EvilLlama

  1. Gents, so after seeing the Surf server unpopulated lately and when there are individuals playing most are over level 500 which has caused many newcomers to stop playing. These high level players are making sure that the newcomers are killed instantly, over and over until they leave. Not a good way to spread news and to get new members and players into our servers. This is a serious problem and we need to ensure the server is populated.

    As of now we are 99.9 percent sure that the RPG Stats will be reset to allow every individual a fresh and equal start. Now to clarify, the RPG STATS WILL BE RESET, not the HLS Stats so no worries there. We will also be installing a new Death Match Auto-Balancer that will help even the teams more efficiently. A spawn shield might be lengthened from the current one second to perhaps 2 to 4 seconds which will allow players to leave the spawn before encountering the enemy. We will also be adding more maps which should help with the same old map rotations.

    UltimateOreo, and P2 are working hard to improve our current situation on the surf server and if you have any questions or comments please post on this thread. Sorry for the lengthy post but this needed to be said.

    Thank you for your cooperation, your input will be taken into consideration when we make the final decision.

    Evil LLama

  2. Auron528 (A)

    STEAM_0:1:6563106 36:30 102 0 active

    Surf Server


    Others have seen this and hopefully they will come out and Write a quick note.

    :angry: So I am just to the point where I don’t even want to play on the surf server anymore, and I am not the only one that has experienced issues with this particular admin. I feel that Auron528 is just too immature and has no respect for actual (UV) members. We have the rights as a clan to have good administrators just like we deserve good higher echelon members AKA, JCS, VP, And Pres. While playing I asked him to please be quiet many times and he just goes on and on talking about such stupid topics. We really need to come up with a better system to recruit our Admin’s other that paying money. They should have to go through a screening application that is more involved than a general member. I know that we are trying to fix the numerous problems throughout the other servers and this is a small issue on our platter but I feel it needed to be said. Thanks for reading I really try to help more than bitch but enough is enough. I have attached a demo of the mic spamming hopefully you can see what I am talking about. It is quite long. :angry:

  3. This afternoon and evening while playing on the War Craft server, i counted 48 chashes while I was playing. Some intresting things were that the HLSTATS were scrolling twice, then three, then four times.. It got to the point were it would crash restart, crash restart, two rounds then a crash. We had crashes that occured within 8 seconds from the previous one. Pings were irregular also. Saw some in the 500's and 600's for players that usally have 100 or below. Many other users are begining to play other servers due to loosing there levels and points... I really hope that this will get resolved and that we continue to have a great clan / servers. LLAMA :(

    Another issue that is that when we kill all the members of the other team and everyone is dead the rounds arent reseting... the other team that is still alive must type kill in consol to restart round,.

  4. So with that said, as we were testing the numbers last night, I was the one that was being shot. I also agree that it is a fine race but is still overpowered. The damage given back needs to be toned down a bit. If you bought a tome of health and just sat there they would die... You could throw a flashbang at there head and probally kill them... I hope this gets looked at thanks

  5. While myself and two others were playing last night at around midnight, to 1:30 am, the server was crashing when I used the orc general race. The others were using the normal old races. In not sure if this might have something to do with it but with only 3 slots taken the server crashed. Hope we can get this resolved.

  6. First Off, I said that you were not using a program to modify your aiming. "Hacking" if you recall. Second I do have a demo that looks normal. You claim that you’re not hacking, and I said that you were not. After stating that on the server others still thought it looked fishy. I had nothing to do with the ban, don't assume things that you don’t know or understand. Repercussions are not needed for the admin that decided to ban you for any reason he deems necessory. If he felt that something was amidst, and did what was in his power, then comeback in a few hours. As far as playing with =[lss]= Niteice aka Altair, the other night, I was there too and never once made any comment to you stating that you were a hacker. And before you post shit about me, I would appreciate if you would post the correct information. I don’t have a problem with you as I am still new to the clan, but please refrain from making bogus accusations.

  7. I lost a lot of levels, I was a 297 which is not as much a many others but really enjoy the server. Do we need more money, donations for the server. Let me know If i can help with the server I build servers and have tons of evtra parts laying around. Would be nice to get the lvls back though. Hope we figure it out :unsure:

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