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Mr. Big Shot

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Posts posted by Mr. Big Shot

  1. Alright I'm lookin' for a PC Microphone from around 0-30 dollars, haha. I'm bein' real cheap because I am not using my computer a lot, but would like to get another microphone to talk to all the sG homies. My other one broke a while back. I have no idea what brand or what kind to get, I figured I would let all yall PC gamers give me advice. Let me know. :)

  2. All the football gossip is forgotten after a while, no one remembers Ricky Williams amazing RB, convicted for something (forgot lol).

    Marijuana. Ricky was suspended in the 2003-04 season for 4 weeks for marijuana, retired from the NFL in the summer of 2004. Returned to the Miami Dolphins in the summer of 2005, failed to show up to a drug test and was suspended indefinitely for the 2005-06 season that's when he went to the CFL for a year, failed another drug test in 2007, returned for the 2007-08 season. He has gone through a lot in his career, and just for smoking ganja. It's funny how professional athletes can hit the green and still be fine. Anyone interested in Ricky Williams watch the ESPN film "Run Ricky Run." Shows Ricky Williams playing college ball in Texas up until the drug stint, showing his path to enlightenment. Good Movie even if you aren't interested in sports.

    As for Mike Vick, he is a good player, athlete, and person I assume. He will always be great and is in the league MVP talks for this season, he tarnished his reputation though so he will not get enough credit for how good he is. Every time I hear Michael Vick I think of those poor dogs and I am pretty sure it is the same for everyone.

  3. You know when you were younger, around the age of 6 or 7. You would wake up early on a nice summer saturday morning. Run down the stairs and turn on the tv and watch some fat albert or garfield or something. I miss those days. So on that note.

    -What is your favorite kind of cereal?

    -How many bowls?

    -Favorite Cartoon?

    Frosted Flakes


    Fat Albert

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