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Posts posted by ZaNDeR

  1. Why don't we just close recruitment for a while? So many people have so many issues with it; if we listen to the masses there appears to be some flaws with the system and there is an enormous influx of (don't mean to offend anyone here) newfags, so what if we just closed it until we put together a solution...?

  2. My God.

    Fucking wimmenz man. I know exactly how you feel with this, Ive been through it with so many of them its not even funny man. Good luck, for me it never actually worked out but who knows maybe youll get lucky ;P

    I lol'd at the "[Revealing the plan is obviously not in the plan]" XD Hope it works out, mate.

  3. Syndicate Gamers realized Vendetta fucking started COMBO-BREAKING his amazing mother by brute force. Meanwhile, Junzou got the biggest fondling from sucking huge dick with other gay midgets. SHIT! But vampires had seen him blow blow blow until he came all over his brother B0Rmger and slipped on top of Marine then epicly died because there were enormous penises shooting cum in his

  4. Watched the entire thing and from what I saw/heard Freekiller did nothing to be treated that way. In fact, the only time he "yelled" into the mic was towards the end after he was repeatedly muted for no reason.

    This was entirely uncalled for. He said maybe two words and got muted and they werent even "yelled". In fact, there were a few people who, while Freekiller was muted, were screaming rather loudly and nothing was done to them. Not even a word was said or anything.

    I also love how army threatened to ban Foh. I seriously lol'd; good luck getting away with that one dude. And then he tells Chosen to shut the fuck up and "youre doing your... whatever thing you are, shut up, if youre not gonna help then just shut up". That made me lol too.

    Now I see why people think this guy is such a jackass.

    I dont think this abuse should be tolerated.

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