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Posts posted by Goldentongue

  1. It's not freekilling so you can cut the attitude. Resume the calm demeanor so it doesn't resort to bitching. I always throw a curveball at the beginning so we can get some of the people out of the way. Just like how people bind answers to questions asked a lot, just remember what I do as warden. With Warden Monkeh I know i can freely look around. Puff normally makes you do a 540. It's not hard.

    You still don't get it. Other people give "curveballs" that can be complied with depending on how well you listen and if you're not a total moron. This is like hiding your spray where no one can see it while we're facing cells, not telling us where you put it, and saying "shift walk to my spray no detours or delays" and then killing anyone who doesn't go in a beeline directly to your spray. We had no possible way of knowing which of the three ramps your spray was on. It certainly is freekilling no matter how you describe it.

  2. I did tell you were I put it. I said the bottom of the ramp. Any other time I'd say connected to the cell block so smart asses don't go to the one in glass pit. I merely made it so that you had to go to the one in the glass pit.

    We've only talked about space jail and blackout. Space jail doesn't even have stair cases for one so i assume you meant blackout during your first sentence, (That's only because there were no sprays at the bottom of the staircase, and luckily it's a direct line from that staircase to the other one, so I figurde out what was up and told everyone to follow me). So either you got confused or you are contradicting yourself that it is alright when I do it on blackout as it is a direct line.

    Yeah, that was a mess up on my part. I meant to say Spacejail.

    ---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------

    ]And color it wouldn't get those who aren't paying attention because, as i said before, they are all lemmings and it is impossible to kill them. I don't want to do trivia to eliminate T's nor do I want to drag the round on forever by playing simon says or something. I want to narrow it down quickly in the first minute then we can do a game since we won't have as many people.

    Well, you're right on that. Freekilling 90% of the team in the first minute is an efficient way to give someone LR.

  3. It was a bit unfair but I'm pretty sure it's "legal" it's not really common sense that the spray would be there isn't just assuming it would be since most people put it there. And I'm pretty sure you're allowed to see where he sprays it' date=' at least all wardens I've played with will let you.[/quote']

    That's the thing, we weren't. We were facing our cells when he sprayed it, and didn't tell us where he put it. See previous post on how we'd have to go check each ramp to be sure.

    ---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------

    And actually I did it today on blackout, as GPC said, but as I recall all the t's went to the correct staircase in the pit. So there are people who know what's going on.

    That's only because there were no sprays at all at the bottom of the main staircase, and luckily it's a direct line from that staircase to the other one, so I figured out what was up and told everyone to follow me. On Spacejail however, going past one ramp and realizing there are no sprays there is impossible without detouring for some.

  4. Tricking is saying "When I type go, all Ts shift walk etc..." and then saying "go" and killing those who move. Things like that.

    Thinking has nothing to do with this. Using logic, it's still utterly impossible to not be killed on this game. You can't tell what a spray is from more than a few feet away, so they would have to come in distance of the other ramps to check them, which would be detouring and still get them killed. And bitching at the CTs for spraying their sprays AFTER you've killed everyone, which you did, does nothing. Not to mention many of them sprayed their sprays there before you ever sprayed yours.

    The only way to make everyone happy is to not pull crap like this again. Killwhore all you want, I don't care, just as long as you're killing people who are actually rebelling. Other than that, I usually have no problems with your rounds.

  5. So this is something Beerman did on Spacejail the other day, and then Vendatta did it too because I guess he just thought it was a jolly great idea or sucks Beerman's cock or something like that. I wasn't going to say anything but then they did it again today on another map. I wasn't sure if this should go in the Jailbreak section or in here, so I just picked here.

    After giving basic orders, all the Ts were facing their cells frozen. He then says "shift walk to my spray at the bottom of ramp, no detours or delays". Considering how all the cts spray their sprays at the bottom of the ramps, it seemed safe to assume we weren't required to figure out which ramp he meant and that the main cellblock ramp was the one he meant. We were wrong, as everyone promptly was eliminated as he pointed out he had sprayed his spray at the bottom of the ramp by luxury cell. Let's ignore the fact for now that other cts can spray over other sprays, and that his spray could have been hidden under the stack of sprays at the bottom of the main ramp. Even if his spray was the only one on the map, anyone in the middle of the cellblock would not be able to tell if he put it at the luxury cell ramp, or the ramp to soccer (Vendetta later proved this when he put his spray there), leaving them to have to guess and possibly killed for detouring if they gambled wrong. Combine that with the fact that there were many CT sprays at the bottom of the main ramp, and this little trick seems totally illegal considering the "common sense" rule in the MOTD, and the mass killing was a mass freekilling. Perhaps I'm totally wrong about this and am just an utter moron, but if not I'd like some admins to clear this up so this shit doesn't happen again, as it happened multiple times the other day and happened again a few times today.

  6. Tbh... if this is your first ban... and it was only freekilling in JB which happens alot... the normal sentence is only 30-60 mins for first time freekilling offence... who perma'd?

    just my opinion


    There's a difference between between freekilling one or a few players, and wiping out the entire terrorist team.

  7. If it were up to me, I'd unban you and then re-ban you simply for the longest most obnoxious run on sentence ever.

    Take some responsibility.

    And who the hell has a living room upstairs anyway?

  8. unfortunately this update also caused a large number of people to quit and now our precious jb no longer has that fun feel to as it used to. We now have a bunch of changes in the atmosphere and it just doesnt feel like the jb ive come to love.


  9. What you really should have done is just let it go. Once everyone proceeded to have a freeday, you should have ignored the fact that you gave orders and just let them have the freeday, since that would have been the end result anyway.

    This is true.

    Although his reaction probably wasn't the best, it certainly doesn't seem like it warranted a restriction though.


  10. I really don't see how they can say you were exploiting a loophole, much less breaking the rules by denying an LR

    The MOTD is clear. It says orders must be given before a freeday. It doesn't say anything about an exception for LR freedays. Whether a freeday comes about by LR or warden's discretion, the end result is the same and therefore so is the procedure.

  11. what is jailbreak? i have never heard of any of these other kinds of custom servers.. only have seen warcraft mod, ZE, and ZM servs... now finding out there is a zombie riot mod? and jailbreak? huh?

    Imagine taking chocolate strawberries, injecting them with heroin, sprinkling them with coke, going to prison for it, and having an awesome rave in the prison.

    That's Jailbreak.

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