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Posts posted by Goldentongue

  1. You're wrong again. Nothing says that in the MOTD.

    Really? REALLY? The very first damn in the ZE MOTD is:

    "Do not grief your fellow teammates (Ex. closing the gate early in JP, blowing bridges up in IamLegend, etc). The exception to the rule is if a zombie is within the area and/or about to destroy the human team. This is to be used with the best judgment possible. Griefing will result in a warn/kick/ban depending on the severity."

    I can understand missing it if it were a long MOTD and it were one line hidden in the middle, but IT'S THE FIRST DAMN RULE.

  2. So you knew the reason he was noclipping in the first place, yet you were trying to give a false impression as to why he was doing it in your first post to get him in trouble.

    Now you're complaining about him making you follow the rules.

    A warning directed at you, followed by a slay or kick would have been better procedure, so let that be your argument. You obviously knew what you were doing wrong, so don't claim otherwise.

    Quit being deceitful to hide the fact you were being an asshat. It's counter-productive to whatever point you may have.

  3. No admin in their right mind would have restricted you for calling a freeday without giving orders first. The rule is set in place so what people like Petite Caesar can't just spam freeday every round. If it was supposed to be a freeday that round for lr, then just open up the cells and give them one. MOTD may say that orders have to be given first, but it also says use common sense. This goes under common sense in my book.

    And I did read the original post.

    "ORDERS MUST BE GIVEN (ex. Take one step out of your cell, face your cell and freeze) BEFORE YOU CALL A FREEDAY OR A ZOMBIE FREEDAY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE."

    As I pointed out before, the MOTD has been updated to say "UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE".

    I don't think it needs to be any clearer that this includes LR freedays.

  4. Karate Kid and Toy Story 3 all the way.

    Toy Story 3 was fantastic (except for parts of the junkyard scene. That was a little bit overdone and were a little too dark to fit the theme well.), but I've heard that the Jaden Smith is just too young for the Karate Kid role and a lot of the scenes feel awkward with someone his age instead of a teenager.

  5. They're not necessarily afghan terrorists.

    Find me a group of terrorists in the last 50 years who DIDN'T use AK47s and C4, because there's only been about 2 that don't shout Allah Akbar.

    Seriously, I think they give those things away in goodie bags at bad guy training camp.


    Don't you mean they CAN be where zombies cannot reach?

  7. Fucking sniggers.

    Sniggers annoy me all the damn time.

    Sniggers cause distractions during class and disrupt my education.

    Sniggers interrupt serious discussions and prevent progress in this nation.

    No matter how much you try to hold sniggers back, whenever they break free they ruin everything.

    If any of your sniggers come up when you're around your friends, your friends give you dirty looks.

    If there's a snigger in public, people get offended and turn the other way.

    Whenever something awkwardly distasteful is said, you can be sure a snigger will be there too.

    Fucking sniggers. I wish we could just get rid of all of them.

  8. Aha, IDK why Steam says AudioSurf is a co-op game other than the ladderboards ;P

    Because there's that one setting with two cars, where one car is controlled by the keyboard and the other by the mouse.

    I'm pretty sure that's why. But one of you has to be practically sitting on the other's lap to play it, so...

  9. i dotn got win 7 but i figured it out on vista. Thanks!!! btw do yo happen to know the basic name of that? like is it office templates, desktop templates, etc..

    No clue. Just a picture someone posted in a 4chan backround thread.

  10. ohhhh ok ^^ how''d you get the icons like that?

    In Windows 7, you right click on the desktop, go to "view" which is the first option, and you deselect the "Align icons to grid" box. Now you can drag them anywhere at any angle.

  11. you said there is one without the red thing.

    Ahh, I see. The order of my sentences probably threw you off.

    I was saying if you took the picture I have and posted it on 4 chan, perhaps either in /r/ or /hr/ and asked for the plain version, someone will probably have it and give it to you.

  12. Snigger = Snicker

    instead of using LOL we can use Snigger instead and it would be completely ok to use since you are using it in the correct context and it is an actual word.

    You're still butthurt over the other thread about Sigger Nips, aren't you?

    Dude, I agree that some of the members here are a little too quick to come as close as they can to jokingly reference racism without getting in trouble. The last two team applications I've seen are "The Nazis" and "Sigger Stole My Nhoes" for goodness sakes. They have a bit of a obnoxious obsession with this kind of thing, but whatever. They're not trying to hurt anyone, it's just their sense of humor. Let them be without bitching about it. It's the internet. Thicken your skin a little.

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