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Posts posted by Zan

  1. I honestly won't share food nor drink with anyone. I don't know where they have been or what they have been doing with their mouths/hands.

    I stabbed my friend in the hand with a fork because he tried to touch my food once. Hoe be crazy to try again.

  2. (This isn't spam, as it changes my life forever.)

    Something terrible has happened. My poor baby has disappeared. I don't know how long I spent with her, or how long I spent working on her. But one thing I do know, I put a lot of time into her! Please, for the sake of Zan, bring her back! D:



    (Again, not spam. It is something important I decided to add humor to, although it's crappy humor.)


  3. Stop being a homo and play ladder.. against real people.

    Eagle's cloaca is not pleased.

    (read the edit)

    I made the stupid mistake of skipping the practice placement rounds, and I'd rather not place bronze.. Again.

  4. Playing against an insane Protoss makes me sad inside.

    I almost beat a Terran insane, but he won the fight with two marines left. Luck.

    I'm not even going to try Zerg for now.



    I told myself that I'm not playing any 1v1 matches until I can easily beat an insane Protoss. Looks like I've got a ways to go.

  5. As many of you know, recently there has been some drama-llama within our staff. An unfortunate consequence of this appears to be the rage-quiting of Clay. I'm not going to discuss that event. More importantly, my precious channel is threatened. It's safe haven is, and has always been, within Clay's channel. We must act now to save my great channel!



    (Not spam, serious stuff.)

  6. 3x19in monitors w/ eyefinity setup 5830 HD.

    People who don't game on 3 monitors dont understand the immersive experience and those who do can NEVER go back to gaming on 1.

    I cheaped out on my video card and got the HD 5770.

    It made me a little sick the first time I got in a game.. The feeling between one and three monitors is completely different.

    It's like the difference between watching a movie and being in the movie.

    I defiantly support it.

  7. I'm planning on picking up an additional 24" monitor when I start getting my monies. Dual 1920x1080 monitors is gonna be sick.

    I don't like dual monitors with games. It throws off the screen too much.

    Trust me, I really came close to getting two 24" monitors.. But I didn't want to get a third to replace my 20". It's bad enough having a 20" next to two 22" monitors..

  8. The only problem i have with multiple monitors is the division between them, I'm kind of OCD about that kind of stuff. I always wondered, "What if an enemy is invisible because of a division between the monitors?"

    Zan, your setup is fucking delicious.

    I don't mind it. It feels like you are in the game. I just have a problem with the chatbox being out of sight, along with the "Who killed who" box in the top right. But that's something I'll fix when I find the correct console codes. (any help there would be nice :) )

    I got it to work :) Go youtube!

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