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Posts posted by .Neo.

  1. Yeah, It's personal preference.

    I think the non-painted washboards look way to plain. Had to add a lil something to it.

    And the wheels are Enkei EDR9's they just came out... Thought it was worth some money I had been saving up.

    And idk so much about aftermarket skirts or rear bumpers, I would have to see some decent pictures to be persuaded.

    Decent pictures on a clean car that is. Not 4-Toned piece of shit ricers with blue,red,white,black body kits.

  2. wtf is Korea thinking? if the intel is right, why would they be launching anything in the first place outside of their own waters? when i last checked their nukes were crap and everybody scolded them and has since been. the only thing i'm scared of is what Kim isn't showing us ...

    Exactly my point. Kim is crazy, and uncontrollable.

  3. shit brah, and that month i did all this driving cuz she would be gone constantly for business meetings, i grew my beard out, and looked 18, it was fun as fuck. Would go to teh hookah bars and chill wit every1. Without them asking for my license.:P

    lol...Chronx your hilarious.

    You haven't changed a bit I see.

  4. One was family (Grandpa) and the other was practically family. He Really good friends with my parents, practically like my Uncle. Sorry, I didn't mean to kill this thread at all.

    On a good note, I really cut down on the street racing although I do love it. The adrenaline rush you get is pretty sweet. But now a days I just tend to go out to meetings where they race, and not race at all. I'm more so into looking at other peoples rides.

  5. Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.

    Might make me look stupid but as I mentioned in a post a real long ass time ago, when something similar to this was up. I have Panic Attacks and that is what triggers them. Unfortunately public places and big crowds are hard to ignore in life.

  6. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (exploit @ Mar 28 2009, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>

    I'll be out for awhile. No counter strike til I get a new gfx card. I believe my current one is overheated or some crap like that. It's a 8600 GTS, preset at factory overclock, and my friend thinks thats the reason why I crash whenever I play ANY type of game.

    Dam =[ no back ups?

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