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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. You guys were switching groups depending on who was online. You guys also have a group with about 8 of our server players in it. This is clearly a way to loophole the Group Limit rule. I will wait until your friend posts in this thread to name the admin who told you that was okay and hear from him. If you lied about that you are not getting unbanned. 

  2. They are allowed to raid you. It looks to me they just broke what they needed to gain access to your house and then broke your beds, chests (to steal your items), and stole your crops. This is all allowed on our server. The server rules are listed here. They can break whatever is necessary to gain access to your house (and different parts of your base) and they are allowed to build ladders/barricades/structures to try to gain access to parts of your base as well.

  3. It seemed to be a debate that just got heated. I see both sides wrong in this because even though Fae was disrespectful at first everyone started to harass him and he just kept discussing his believes. I do not really think this warrants any action. There wasn't any personal attacks more just a discussion of belief's. 


    I will leave this open in case anyone feels they were personally attacked. I still have to read more of the conversation, but at this time I do not think anything said warrants any punishment/warnings.

  4. I am guessing this is the case because if someone restarted the server they should be making an in game announcement by either logging in or sending a console message. 

    They were logged in most likely. He just probably thought sweetrock was the admin due to her having sG tags. Most of the time we don't announce restarts because some of the server breaking bugs cause massive exploits that can be abused. The automated restart system is announced though.

  5. The admin whose nickname sG |  Warden sweetrock(L2) restarted server several times even though there was no glitch or bug and he rolled back the server for no reason ( after 10 min from automatic restart). He was playing like casual player and i think he restarted servers for his purposes. Most of players lost their some items because of roll back. Time : 01.00 EET (Istanbul)

    Sweetrock is a woman. She also does not have any type of admin abilities and definitely cannot restart the server.. Another admin may have restarted the server because it was bugged or the server could have just crashed a few times due to an error. 

  6. omg! he flied ,like he did to me in the military base,guys hes hacking,not bug exploids!

    We are already going to watch him. Unless someone presents definite proof on him hacking only a warning is being issued. In this case I believe the server was just bugged and he was able to get into your base due to that. 

  7. Did he get in when the server was bugged? Sometimes barricades do not spawn for certain players when this happens. I'll wait for Minjoo to explain what happened if he saw it. I will also either have to come on and check out your base or have him come in and verify it is safe from the barricade pass exploit. Either way I'll let the admins know to watch him.

  8. We are a whitelisted server in a version of the game that is broken and never going to be fixed. We get 20-30 players during U.S Evening Hours and on Weekends all day/night. Those # are fantastic, so I have no idea what you are complaining about. During European Evenings we also get about 8-15 players. We get the most players out of every Unturned Server for 2.0 that isn't public. If you want a 46/46 server that crashes every 15 minutes (due to server breaking hacks) and has a bunch of hackers flying around that is the alternative and I refuse to do that. During late nights on weekdays and early morning hours we have a low population because people are sleeping, at work, or at school, nothing will fix that.


    The other alternative is we whitelist everyone regardless of their account age and activity and deal with 5-10 hackers a day trying to break the server. No, thank you.


    I see you constantly complaining about this and you complained when there were 25 people on the server. PEI with more than 20 people is a fuckfest. It is fun for a while, but then you will get tired of constantly dying. There is no reason to complain. If you want more people tell your friends to whitelist on the server and be active, so when new players join they see players online. 

  9. ok can we get some He-man skins atleast bc a bunch of us in jailbreak would love it


    i mean if i had the software to make modles i could do it

    Instead of asking for a skin go find one for CSGO and then we can add it. Just asking us to add the skin after I told you we don't have any modelers is idiotic. 

  10. I will Unban you, but admins common sense determining if you get unbanned or not is irrelevant. You were detected by my Anti-Cheat for hacking in experience points. Occasionally this specific detection gives false positives, so that is why I am unbanning you. If you are detected again you will not be unbanned.

  11. I have reason to believer Papa Johns 2-For-1 WOMBO COMBO is using undetected hacks (ESP). Me and and my friend Darkoliath were playing and he got killed by Papa Johns 2-For-1 WOMBO COMBO so I tried to kill Papa Johns 2-For-1 WOMBO COMBO at the time Darkoliath was not near me and I was by a tree the whole time so he never saw me when he shot Darkoliath. I saw him try by Darkoliath's body then he moved out my sight so I waited and I was looking through the trees watching my back and sides. He never knew I was by the tree nothing of my body was poking out because I was facing towards the beach and he was on the opposite side of me so he had no sight of me I was never poking out because i was looking through the tree then I got shot and died. I knew he was not next to me because I heard no gunshots beside me and I was always watching my sides and he NEVER knew i was by a tree so I would like to report Papa Johns 2-For-1 WOMBO COMBO for undetected hacks (ESP)   :angry:   

    Not where you report players> Correct Place HERE.(Please read the stickies!) From what you are saying you tried to hide behind a tree, which does not work in unturned 2.0. From your perspective it seems like you are completely behind the tree, but truth is your character sticks out and also if you have anything equipped it clips through the tree.

  12. Ban Appeal Denied. 


    I fought for you. I had 3 reports on you doing this and I was able to confirm it and I should have banned you then, but instead I came on the server and literally called you out by name and gave you a warning telling you, you had 1 more chance. You then decide within 24 hours to ignore that last warning and abuse this exploit twice today. You had too many chances.


    Enjoy exploiting on another server.

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