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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. so can u join to this 800 people group and check what u can open? if u cant I think u Shadow must ban wookie and his group for use admin for baning dangerous players for them

    I do not know if you are ignoring what he is saying or not. He is saying that he witnessed you two sharing a base and grouping. This means you guys are in a steam group together. You guys only share two steam groups with each other one being the fan group and the other being a 8-12 person group with majority of the players active on our server. Both of these groups would be not allowed to use on our server as an active group due to breaking the 4 max players rule. He is banning you because you broke the max player per group limit by using one of those two groups....

  2. I agree with your conclusions. I will leave this open for discussion among the banned individuals. You guys have been warned before, so most of you will be looking at a 1 week ban duration.




    U ban me for be in fan group rly? If I want be in fans group i must make another account on steam? I think u ban me becouse your group friends on the server don't like me.

    He banned you because you were grouping with lord and the only group you guys share is a group with 8-12 members of our server on it. I explained what group you use on our server must only have 4 members in it. Being in a fan group is irrelevant unless you guys are using that group to play on our server, which of course breaks the 4 person max limit.

  3. I was playing on the server and then i was mistakenly banned. I got unbanned a DAY after and saw my base was deleted. Supposedly abandoned bases were deleted but mine was just being built, help me out please! 

    Gonna have to describe where it was and I will see what happened. Describe what was built there as well.

  4. Also, make sure to read the rule about combat logging because I had reports on you combat logging as well. Combat logging means logging to avoid combat or death. If you are raiding someone and the owner of the base logs in and you log out that is still combat logging. 


     Well shadow you told me that I was glitching past barricades I would like to say that I am truly sorry and I will NEVER EVER glitch past barricades, again I am truly sorry and I take full responsibility to what I did


    I will unban you in 1 week. Respond to this post next Monday during the day (USA time-zones) to remind me to unban you.

  6. It is really dumb you think it is okay to raid someone's base and log out as they log in to avoid dying. Our combat logging rule is defined as using logging out to avoid combat or death. You were about to be in combat, so instead you logged out. I can see you are not really sorry about breaking the rule, so your ban will stay until Tuesday. I will unban you then and any future problems will result in a permanent ban. Post on this topic on Tuesday during the day (U.S.A. Time Zones) to remind me to unban you.

  7. Shadow wrote:

    "...when I explained the rule to you and him in detail and still went about going around it."

        -  that's not true, you didn't explaied it clearly, that's why I was asking the Wookie for details.

    "If you are an adult..."

    "...if you are claiming you are an adult"

    "...you guys decided to do it anyway to go around the rule..."

    I made my point clear and was trying to be as polite and honest as I'm always trying to be in any area of life doesn't matter if it's virtual world or reality. I'm more than 30 years old so it's hard to call me youngster. For me it looks like you are trying to input us your own interpretation of our behaviour and motivation which offends at least my person, I'm not able to speak in that manner on behalf of the others. I described the logic and motivation behind it and I thought I did it precise enough. But let's forget about that and I would like to proceed to the point of this conversation. I would like to confront this with Wookie. I asked Wookie about 4 pl rule and get the answer which I described in my previous post and we behaved accordingly - but anyway that this might been an issue of some kind of misunderstanding from my side or my error of interpretation of what he said - English is not my native language as you might figure out. I'm awaiting for a clear solution from you, because in my opinion problem it's not solved yet. BTW Wookie was trying to be helpfull and I will not blame him in any case, he spend some time answering my questions with patience which is a behaviour I expect from a admins. And I wanted to state this once again - if you will decide that we broke the rules and if you really want to punish someone - ban me, because I was responsible of passing this interpretation of the rules to the others - anyway I "banned" myself at least temporary until this case will be clarified - I quited playing on SG server, just logged once or twice for a few seconds just to check what was going on, didn't even place one structure or shoot one bullet. To be fair with you - depending of a solution you will choose I'll stay here or left the place, and don't get me wrong - it's not a threat or sometnig like this - just a declaration of my behaviour. Maybe you just don't want us playing on your server, if so - state it clearly.

     Those steam groups you mentioned is used by us to play on different UT servers and it will stay that way. Should we create two new groups? The problem is that there are lot of structures (gates, doors, chests) which is group related in our bases, but this can be solved by destroying present structures of this types and I will expect exact refund of those, which sounds fair for me and I hope for you too. But to stay straight with a logic of the rules which doesn't allow players to change their groups, temporary alliances which often occures during gameplay on your server should be forbidden also because at least I am not able to notice the difference between our case and groups forming ad hoc from players which are currently online. I hope you get my point in that manner. In my opinion only reasonable solution is allowing to play any 4 pl group together - which is easy to check & monitor and it's consistent with a idea of not allowing anyone to dominate the server. Either grouping should be banned (which obviously doen't make sense) or you shoud define time period in which player will not be able to change the group which will be almost impossible for admins to track and will put on them a lot more work. Maybe you can figure out way of solving that problem othar way, if so - please present it in a clear way. And I want to say it once again - after the warning have been issued by you WE NEVER PLAYED TOGETHER IN A GROUP OF MORE THAN 4 PLAYERS. Does anyone complained about this?

    Regards and awaiting your response

    Ted / SCSI

    I did explain it clearly according to you. I asked you if you had anymore questions and you said no, thank you for clearing it up (I can give you your exact wording if you want). I suggested in my previous post about a possible misunderstanding that you may have not understood wookie or possibly he explained it poorly. This is not my interpretation the rule states 4 Person Limit Per Group. 


    There is no problem. I am not going to define a time limit for you trying to get around a four person group limit. You may have 4 people in a group that is it. You may not kill/raid (this includes defending because you are killing/harming other players) with anyone besides your four person group. If you are a solo player you may group up with 3 other solo players to form a temporary group. You cannot form these temporary groups if you are already grouped. This is what the rule already states. You can leave and join a new group if you want. If you want to kick players from your group for new players that is fine. If you want to abuse this to rotate players who are online then you may leave and go find another server. 


    The rule does not state a group limit is 4 players who are online at the time....It is referring to your steam group or your team of players. If you have four players living in the same base, but not in the same steam group (must be solo) it still refers to this circumstance as well. This is not my interpretation if you are adding context that is not there. Group meaning steam group, in-game group, 4 friends who play together, 4 solo random who are raiding a base, and anything else. It is not limited to 4 players online at the same time, which is you adding context to the word group that is never mentioned, but assumed by you. If you needed clarification you can always ask what is meant by "group".


    There is a huge different between 4 solo players temporarily grouping and you having an eight person group and rotating who is wearing the group tags depending on who is online/active at the time. There is no multiple interpretations of the rule. It is written directly one way as I said if you try to loophole the rule, which is what you are doing then it is the same as breaking the said rule.


    You guys already have multiple groups of Unturned players. What needs to happen is the group that you currently play on our server with needs to only have 4 players in it at anytime. If this is not possible then I can just destroy your previous base and you can start over with some refunded materials.


    I personally dislike this rule, but it is in place to prevent bigger issues, while the server is whitelisted. I will probably quote something from this thread to the server rules to prevent this from happening again, but the rule is not changing. Once the server is public when 3.0 stable is released it will be removed. This is the first problem we have had with this rule because you and your group are the first group of people to try to get around it.


    I am still awaiting Wookie's side of the story. Depending on what happened Sarcastic will either stay banned or be unbanned by Sunday.

  8. He destroyed 1 foundation to gain access to the base. He broke the 2nd foundation because rodrigo got stuck in the water and they thought that would get him out. They broke 1 platform because they wanted to get to the 2nd floor. They broke the Greenhouse platform, the 2nd platform because of a grenade throw to hit a chest. The only reason the 2nd platform broke was cause Brink and Hardbass had earlier hit that platform before they died trying to raid you. They broke your ramp to stop you from coming in from the back of your base. 



    They legitmately are trying to raid you without breaking the rules. I understand you are fustrated due to being griefed earlier, but this was not griefing. They messed up once, but I am not gonna punish a player for trying to get unstuck.

  9. Okay you can take over a base but not build in another player's base? I don't understand this. 

    You can build in a player's base if it is being used to raid them. Examples would be building a door or wall to block exit/entrances, ladders or platform/foundation bridges. You are allowed to break ways into each room to access each room of the base as well. The rules are defined Here

  10. and now they have completely taken it over, placed cots, etc and are camping it. I am pretty sure my group and i and a few others are done with this server. The rules do not seem to apply to everyone. I'd like to thank Minjoo and Shadow for their extensive help earlier with the first round, but it continues so i guess we will see how it is after this and see who retaliates before moving to another server. 

    You are allowed to take over bases and you are allowed to raid. If you are mad that people are constantly attacking your base you might want to try PvE. I will check if it was griefed and and talk to Jose.

  11. Wookie made it clear to me he told you swapping groups constantly to keep 4 online was not alright. I will wait for him to respond in this post as well.



    It is pretty obvious that what you guys attempted to do was to loophole the way the rule is worded and then claim it is not clear. When I was on the server answering your questions about the rule you never asked me anything towards is it okay if I swap members of two groups depending on who is online? I would have told you obviously not. It is clearly a way to avoid having only 4 members of a group.


    If you are an adult then it should be clear the way the rule is written that doing what you did is clearly a way around the rule. Instead of posting this question on the forum for clarification you guys decided to do it anyway to go around the rule to give yourselves and advantage by having a 7-8 player rotation within 1 group. It is possible you didn't interpret what Wookie meant correctly or he may have worded it poorly.


    I punished Sarcastic because he was online when I explained the rule to you and him in detail and still went about going around it. 


    The reason this is not specifically defined within the rule is because this is the first instance of this occurring. It doesn't mean I have to layout a 12 point presentation on how to follow this rule with exceptions and detail explanations on what constitutes an attempt to loophole.


    It should be clear where it states a 4 person max for groups means your steam group should only have 4 players on the server in it. You guys had several steam groups with at least 2 of them having more than 4 players on our server within it. It is difficult for me to dig through the data to find out what group each player was in at various times of killing and raiding. 


    You guys didn't even take it to that level of precision of removing group members and adding them depending on who was online. You and your group just all stayed in the same group and either all had the group tags on or would take them off depending on who was online. This is clearly a breach of the rule already. 


    If you were to take it to the next level of constantly removing members of the steam group and swapping players to the group it is clearly an attempt to loophole. I should not have to spell that out for you especially if you are claiming you are an adult. You did not take it to this level, so it is irrelevant although if you did attempt this or if anyone tries to attempt this in the future it is going to be treated as an attempt to loophole. 


    If you want to kick a player from a group to add a new player that is fine. If you want to leave your group to join a new one that is fine. If you want to constantly kick and invite players who are online to consistently have a 4 player group online you will be either be warned or banned depending on circumstances. For you and Sarcastic it was intentional to get around this rule. The difference was Sarcastic used it to kill/raid, which is why I banned him on the spot.

  12. I don't have any proof of this, but earlier in the debate I recall Fae saying something like: "Do you spank you brother?" or "you like anal then?".

    He said a variation of this, but at the same time many users insulted his religion. I am just gonna chalk this up to just how debates over video-games go. He didn't keep going with it towards anyone person. If I were to punish him for what he said i'd have to do it for about three users who insulted/disrespected/harassed him. Resolving this with no action.

  13. I am strongly considering removing all the griefing rules from the server when we change to Unturned 3.0. The difference and gray area between raiding and griefing is difficult to determine in some scenarios. 


    I am going to buff structures in Unturned 3.0 to make base-building still very viable, but I believe the best approach would be to allow players to destroy anything on the map that they want. Our server is very anti-carebear and I am glad the direction it is going. Unfortunately many sG community members dislike the amount of killing that takes place on our server, but it is my thought that on a PvP server this is what you should expect to take place (This is not RP PvP). 


    Eventually, I may make a second Unturned Server that will either be PvE or RP PvP. (At this point in time a Hunger Games server for 3.0 is not going to be possible).



    The outcome of this vote will determine what is going to happen with the griefing rule change. Please feel free to vote, but I am only going to count votes towards this rule change from players who have at one point actively played on our Unturned Server. Feel free to comment and give arguments and thoughts about the issue.

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