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willy (wilson)

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Posts posted by willy (wilson)

  1. I was quite disappointed, the movie was advertised as having no cliffhanger, guess what? Cliffhanger, so done with the entire super hero movie thing at this point.


    I don't this this is spoiling the film for anyone, but if I wouldn't recommend seeing the film, or at least waiting a while to see it.

  2. 5 hours ago, SpartanSakaro said:

    I am interested in why you would lower the health of zombies, i personally don't see a point since killing zombies gives you 0 reward, and if they are killed too easily then you will make certain maps nearly impossible for zombies to win.

    Yes, but killing the zombies is occasionally needed on certain maps, ex. if a zombie gets into an end zone and the other zombies are dead, the 8 humans have to keep it in a corner and spam it's face it negevs, or for example the elevator in surf sahok if a zombie gets in. Zombies shouldn't be impossible to kill, but still present a challenge, tbh it's a pretty good piece of constructive criticism, but at the same time, we have points, and lower zombie health encourages point farming when admins aren't on. Also, considering the amount of human models we have it wouldn't be a bad idea to implement more zombie models available through the shop. 


    Overall, I support both of these, except instead of public zombie models, I'd like to see them buyable with points to encourage more people to come on frequently.

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