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Dr. Vojislav Seselj

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Posts posted by Dr. Vojislav Seselj

  1. Hello, to every this may concern!:


    I was wondering if it was at all possible to have just a slight more of variety among the items that should additionally be included in the TTT server. I would actually like to bring back (or add) the Jihad Bomb or the Poltergeist (prop launcher) on this server. Was it there before and was effaced off prior, or what happened? Do some of the aforementioned TRAITOR items actually get constantly abused? I would like to see if anyone else concurs with this as well. Thank you!


    (Just a note: I am pretty sure this subject and thread was brought up before, so I apologize if I indirectly bumped a dead thread from a long time ago)


    And whilst we are at it, is it possible to actually include map-voting at the end of the server time or allotted rounds?

  2. 1 hour ago, Marvin said:

    [Hillary Clinton] [K]

    Skill 1: [Law Ninja] - Years of dodging investigations and allegations of criminality have developed your evasive skills. [15-50% chance to evade enemy attacks. 5 Levels]
    Skill 2: [Mass Media Attack] - Your skills of manipulating the mainstream media have sharpened your ability to attack your opponent. [5-25% Slash damage. 5 Levels]
    Skill 3: [Super PAC] - You have many dubious friends in low places throwing money at you. Don't waste it. [5-25% chance of +$2000 per round] (NOTE: Intended for buying equipment to help the knife race, or donate. % chance needs working.)

    Skill 4: [Politician] - Your years of experience as a politician have taught you how to deceive the masses through subtle tricks. [10-66% chance of gaining FREE ___ at start of round] (Note: ___ is the item that makes you appear as a member of the enemy team. Can't remember the name.)
    Ultimate: [Establishment] - Even when you are down in the polls, you need not fear. The Establishment will make sure you don't stay down for long. [Self revive on death. Once per round.]



    [Donald Trump]

    Skill 1: [Build The Wall] - The Mexicans have rallied to build your wall as you foretold. [+10-50 armor for self, +2-10 armor for team. 5 Levels]

    Skill 2: [Milo] - Your new press secretary Milo Yiannopoulos invigorates your followers, allowing them to do more damage. [Aura - +20% damage done by allies within 'X' units. 4 Levels] (Note: Units is debatable, I'd need to see what similar skills are set to already.)

    Skill 3: [Alt-Right] - You have inspired a new generation of conservatives and trolls. All they need is a new account after a Twitter ban. [10-50% chance of an ally reviving upon death. Can be activated Once per round. 5 Levels]

    Skill 4: [Second Amendment] - You are a strong believer in the Second Amendment, and always carry your AR-15 with you. [33-66% chance of spawning with an M4A1-S. 5 Levels]

    Ultimate: [Alex Jones] - 1776 has commenced again. Fight this civil war with an M249 and liberate us from tyranny! [Spawns an M249 with one clip, as well as an HE grenade. 300 second cooldown.]



    Just my spin on the two and spit-balling / shit posting.

    Honestly, that "Alt-Right" skill is a very surreptitious yet very powerful force on Donald Trump's part. Hell, it is what triggered so much of Hillary to actually go nuts and insane to get so angry at the Pepe The Frog cartoons; furthermore, in that speech she gave of the movement of such racists, white supremacists, Nazis, Alex Jones supporters, Nigel Farage devotees, et al., the meme eventually was labeled as a "hate symbol" via the Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center. It's like, "really? Why so serious about a cartoon?".


    I am not at all defending Alex Jones or Donald Trump or those extremists, I am just saying it was funny that Hillary lost her crap to such a cute and innocent cartoon.


    But a saying for this all, to quote the great John Oliver of Last Week Tonight, "Come on, it's [2016]!".

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