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Posts posted by ATG_AGENT

  1. I should have thought about damage drop-offs, but I made specific pellet counts for a reason, also stating: " Yes, and shotguns also have a rather random spread too" and "Is it likely to have all pellets hit? No, unless they're on your dick when you fire." So my numbers aren't technically wrong. These numbers are also flexible in that with random spread you can just pretty much give or take some damage for range. Close range? expect a higher number, and if a long range, expect a little lower. It's just that it's aggravating to be one shot by a gun that wouldn't one shot normally because it gets bonus damage per pellet.If it got +10 damage per shell, that'd be fine which would also help the, also strong but not as cheap, claws + shotgun, as well as other races that get pure bonus damage. I should have included this in the op too, but I think solutions are +10 damage per shell, restricting shotguns off of it, or lowering the damage bonus to 5 or 6 tops.


    And the thing with damage drop off , is that it's pretty negligible unless it's a range far longer than you should be fighting with a shotgun and bonus damage doesn't give a shit about damage drop-off. Nova has a pretty tight spread so at least 4-5 should hit which is 40-50 damage right there regardless of drop off damage.


    Also the ranges I'm using for examples are; Medium range: Around halfway of the long corridor in Office and Short Range: Where you would normally use a shotgun :l 



    Half way of long cor is still in short range, shotgun territory. If you want full hallway that's medium. The damage it does is strong but they are giving up the long range fight for short, and for mediums they are also at a disadvantage cause of spread issue which will cause multiple shots to be needed. Again while strong they are doing a trade off which makes it fine. Change your play style a bit to combat this and it shouldn't be causing you much problems. There are many ways to keep someone away from you, be it with skills/ability or general awareness of where they are and where you should/shouldn't go.

  2. While i agree that adv + shotty can, and is very strong - your math is horribly wrong in its numbers. Spread being one major factor most of the time at normal fighting distances, far less then what you put will hit. The only time you will be hitting those numbers are point blank range, where frankly shotgun - should - win.


    Medium ranges if lucky a adv shotgun nova (only shotgun you can range on) will need either luck for 2-3 solid groupings, or many shots. And with the time it takes between shots the rifle user should kill him. If he doesnt, then its the rifle users fault and the shotgun guy deserved the kill.

  3. U wot. It happened in the middle of round 1 because I unready'd and went afk for 2 mins lol

    There was 1 guy not playing in rounds 1-2, others went and fought. With the man advantage made numerically even for those rounds. Though i dont know why your even looking at this point, when the entire reason of that post was jokenly directed at camels fail and the relation to how we lost but "we were winning!" that one. It was not meant as anything else, sorry if it came across this way

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