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Posts posted by ATG_AGENT

  1. Nature Wisp was fine before, it was more annoying than anything but not hard to take down at all. It got harder when it was able to get all the defensive items and boots, but every race is like that.


    Rule of thumb, if you don't see Pug on the race it's not a strong knife race.

    Correct, the race itself wasnt strong at all - its just an annoyance. While that annoyance can be very useful it doesnt make the race overpowered. As i said in earlier in my other post i dont think it should have been nerfed at all but if you do want to, just nerf one aspect not both.

  2. I already have horrid luck when it comes to evasion, an example savage is 60/65%(ish?) and i almost never evade on it. Wisp itself is not that strong, even when it had 40% evade. If you do want to nerf it, while i disagree with it needing a nerf, nerf just the longjump or just the evade, not both. Nerfing both hits this way harder then i think was implied, and is pretty bad now. I barely wanted to touch the race pre nerf, deffinetly wont be touching it post.

  3. Extreamly hard to go to sleep, and even when i do sleep it will only be for an hour max. Never wake up refreshed, always more tired when i wake up then when i went to sleep. Ussualy just stay up for sometimes 5 days in a row (like i just ended up doing.)


    I wish i could be wake up refreshed and energized.

  4. he did also leave when he hit the whore script on mirage and rejoined once the map had changed 3-4 rounds later to italy. I don't think that is considered dodging the script but thats up to staff discretion 


    Well if he came back when it was new map that would be fine. Though if he does it during same map thats avoiding.

  5. I don't know how people can use them...

    They hurt my head after like 20 minutes of playtime, I need cups to keep it from giving me a headache too.



    I use those $15 headset too, work great for what they do.


    Im the opposite, i need on the ear headphones/sets or else it kills my ears.

  6. Hello, long time since iv been around here but im back once again and just had a question. There has been a few times, 2 that just happened recently, one tonight - where i am rewarded a skin at the end of the round, and i dont get it. It doesnt appear in my inventory.(This continues days later and i still dont have it) Now first i thought i was crazy and maybe i didnt win the item but this last time i was sure cause i actually liked the drop and was going to use it. is this a normal issue? Does it happen alot in csgo? I just want more information on this subject as google didnt bring up any results for me, and im sure there are people here who can give me detailed information on this. Thanks for your time.

  7. im okay with the vanity items and new classes but... The game is just a business now. too much pay to win. also, what class did u play?


    I was a trojan, while i played the server was my playground and i won guildwars by myself. Fun times.

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