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Posts posted by GossamerFox

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dash♥ said:

    but your not helping your situation...

    Neither is Funky by being an unnecessary asshole to me all the time. Given the opportunity, I'm gonna call him out on his shit. "I DON'T KNOW WHO DID IT" "Then do your job and check the logs" is not a valid reason to get kicked, especially when you actually can check the logs, who would've guessed?

  2. Recently with the loss of Marine as MG advisor, I'm unsure of whom to speak to about this.


    It seems recently that the MG population has been higher than normal and 20 slots is just not enough to accommodate the demand. The max server slots used to be 30 and almost never got filled up unless it was early evening on weekends, even then rarely. However, just recently the server player limit has been dropped to 20 slots. This has resulted in decent amounts of people unable to connect because all the slots are full. 


    Although, it is possible that due to the recent increase in server population that 30 slots may be appropriate, particularly on the weekends. Plus the chat spam of "X has been dropped due to slot reservation"  gets old fairly quickly.


    TL;DR Minigames needs more than 20 server slots to accommodate early evening population, particularly on weekends.



  3. 18 hours ago, Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV said:

    I took a SS and wrote an eloquent response.

    Then fucking cows resolved it literally a second before I clicked submit. 

    That being said, I wasn't trying to ruin anyone's fun, 10 min for a time out, nothing major. I'm just a bit impressed that cows entertained the slaughter of the English language that that report had. 

    I was there for this... Ricksun was challenging Ples about rules on late night JB >_>

  4. Name: Alek
    Age: 16
    Location: California
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67100356
    Gameme: http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/920977
    Sourcebans: Bans
    Microphone: yes
    Favorite Server: Minigames
    Previous Member of a clan?: no
    Questions/Comments: My hours have been lower than usual because of school :(
    About me: I'm rank 5 on Minigames and pestered Marine to bring back Deathrun. I also hop on MG whenever I'm not busy or playing competitive.
    CSGO Recorded Hours: 676 hours, 49 minutes, 20 seconds

  5. Name: Alek
    Age: 16
    Location: California
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67100356
    Gameme: http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/920977
    Sourcebans: Bans
    Microphone: yes
    Favorite Server: Minigames
    Previous Member of a clan?: no
    About me: If I'm not working on homework, at school, or playing competitive, I'm probably on MG
    CSGO Recorded Hours: 499 hours, 4 minutes, 24 seconds

  6. Right right, so I've been on reddit for a while and I think it'd be pretty cool to have a subreddit for sG. Since the sG community is pretty big we could use the subreddit to post stuff anything related to sG. Even though the forums are a decent place for this, i find reddit browsing much easier in terms of viewing content 


  7. 1 hour ago, Yunki said:

    Under Syndicate Gamers Divisional forums you can find all IPs. Also on the side of the screen you can find it.

    It may still be a bit buggy though as we are still moving locations

    Alrighty, thanks for the quick reply! (I had Apache inv me to warcraft)

  8. Hello, having only played sG Multigames and a little bit of Jailbreak, I've wanted to try out a few other servers, like Warcraft and the like... But finding the server IP is very hard it seems. I thought it would be an interesting and beneficial addendum to add a page to the top bar for Server IPs... unless there already is one and I'm completely blind. Anyways, so that way anyone who enjoys at least one sG server, can find more sG servers to enjoy!

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