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Posts posted by Raaga

  1. 7 minutes ago, Face said:

    I was under the impression that the cooldown continued after death (instead of resetting to 0) and that if you were dead long enough, that the cooldown would be reset (as if you had survived that time and the cooldown naturally ran out).


    Turns out, this isn't how it works. You could theoretically chainlightning, die, respawn, chainlightning, die, repeat, etc.


    This wasn't what I intended. Going to work on a fix. I do want cooldowns to run out while you are dead, and skills to be available on respawn. But the cooldown shouldn't be 0 just because you died.

    Let hope This gonna be good :D

  2. Name: Ty Nguyen
    Age: 15
    Location: WA
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83211512
    Gameme: http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/925066
    Sourcebans: Bans
    Microphone: yes
    Favorite Server: Jailbreak
    Previous Member of a clan?: no
    About me: I am a CSGO Jb/TTT server player. I have been playing on SG server for about 5-7 months now. At first, Im really not sure to join SG clan or not... But months by months I start seeing really nice people and the community is awesome... So I finally decide to join SG.
    CSGO Recorded Hours: 314 hours, 14 minutes, 44 seconds

  3. I don't think that is good a good idea.. If this happenWaffler, it your fault that you get your self karma ban and also why don't you tell your friend get the ID's of the RDMer and like troller and stuff with screenshot. After that he can give you the stuff... and Request ban on sGjoin.net Forums on the RDMer and Staff will take care of it :)

  4. There are more T than CT... and if you put the shop in the game for T.. it wouldn't be fun for CT.. you wouldn't problemly get to play a game as T, since u have all these rebelling things. So I suggest not but it in :P.. or it would be too over power.

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