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The Lowki

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Posts posted by The Lowki

  1. I get what you're saying here but it would create a whole other big problem where people would use that excuse.

    I'm going to be 100% honest with you here, if you really appreciate the server and have good times on it just make sure not to let anything slip it's really not that hard...

  2. 33 minutes ago, exoarcher said:

    Now that i can aggree with you on but the other HUGE benifit from the plugin is on their site, they shoutout servers who request songs. and they have a server list that we can get publicity from. 


    You have to understand though that most requested songs are going to be troll songs that are terrible unless hive counters that already. Now on JB no one needs music since you are worrying about the orders, if you want music play it yourself like scrub said on spotify or anything else. I get the whole advertise part of it but the only servers radio could be a thing of any use would be maybe surf and MG. To me this is like music kits they're useless considering you can play your own. All this would do in my opinion is make the download time longer for new players for absolutly no reason.

  3. 21 minutes ago, driz said:

    to be fair, the question is stupid and was already answered by Yunki...

    no, it is not because of that. It's because people are being "bullied" into voting how others want them to. you'll also notice that I didn't mention a 150 word essay in my little post.. expecting sG members to even KNOW 150 words is asking a lot.



    Well yeah I was talking about the starting post with the 150 words thing but now I see what you're saying with the whole bullied into voting.


  4. 38 minutes ago, Travesty said:


    Here take a look:



    Is it really just because a lot of people have an opinion on someone? I don't think that there's any problem with it other then him either knowing too many people or people just vote off other's votes. I understand the problem there but a vote is a vote no need to say: I voted this because... It's a simple vote, no need to explain with 150 words to make your voice heard. But that's just my opinion.

    And @driz I get I'm a recruit but looking at other applications, I think the voting system is all good. Well... Except the troll votes.

  5. 1 hour ago, driz said:

    Well, there is poor grammar and then there's what you wrote... I don't even understand what you were attempting to convey.

    Protip: sounding like a dumbass is never "cool." Write properly all the time and reap the benefits of not being seen as a moron.

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

    I thought it was pretty clear but I was not trying to look cool, tried to be funny but sometimes I got bad taste of humor (mostly when I'm bored) and I'm guessing the "does are" confused you a little, thanks for the advice though. I will make sure to use the best grammar possible (for me).

  6. 26 minutes ago, driz said:

    Based on what you just wrote.. you should skip the essay. I'm pretty sure you will fail.

    Thats why Im asking Lol, I usualy dont try to have perfect grammar on internet maybe I should idk.

  7. 3 hours ago, xmen said:

    This is a conspiracy to take away the basic rights of the Ts!


    Isn't it enough that we have to listen to these squekers order us around? Isn't it enough that we have to play stupid games for them? Now they are trying to take away or basic right to camp in gay op spots!?!


    If we manage to get away from the cancerous oppression of the team known to us only as the CTs, we now face the risk of getting slayed by a higher force! We deserve to be free! We deserve to keep our basic rights!



    You're crazy. :lol:

  8. 15 minutes ago, Rune said:


    This would work, but there are multiple maps where there are vents in which people don't know of. A lot of the time, regulars will go into them and just sit there the whole round.


    Trying to recall the particular map I have in mind- It's the one with an obstacle course and a connect four outside alongside a last reaction. The vent requires a series of buttons that you would have to have prior knowledge to get access too. I've had plenty of rounds where some T will get into it and sit there for the whole round despite being the last one. I got so fed up with it that I threatened to slay him if he didn't come out the last few rounds.


    The map i think is lockdown correct me if im wrong and that map is one of the main reasons I am doing this, along with the tec-9 vent on dojo it's a good vent but people camp it a lot...

  9. 4 minutes ago, thorgot said:

    Agreed. I think a rule against camping with intent to delay the round is a good idea. While I don't like terrorists camping in unfair spots or in vents in general, I don't think there should be a rule against that. What I have an issue with is camping in a difficult area or obscure vent simply to make people wait longer for the next round. For example, the top of extreme climb on clouds, or the hentai room vent on dojo. Camping there (and never peeking) doesn't get you more kills and significantly decreases the game quality for everybody else.

    Well yeah it depends how they are delaying, if they're killing people and people can get where they are, don't really care but if they're just sitting there and it's either a really secret vent like on lockdown or just top of a climb like please...

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