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Posts posted by =RED=

  1. im not specificly talking about custom knifes (i think you misunderstood them for server knifes). Cusom knifes: 

    im actually talking about bringing back old stuff like all the hats there were (i actually likes the fedora one), or some ct skins.

    Or adding some more stuff like custom anime playermodels

  2. why dont you make a plugin that makes every player that wants to join ct answer some questions first via the menu (like store was)

    if they pass most of the questions they are approved of beeing ct


    Questions could be:


    -You pursue a Terrorist in Vents and you see him, what would you do?

    1)Kill him and go back to to the entrance

    2)Follow him and look how amazing the vents are

    3)Kill him and go to the end of the vent


    -What of the following commands is not valid?

    1)I restrict jumping

    2)Afk freeze

    3)Drop your gun dont pass it on and dont pick it back up


    this would prevent new players that didnt read the rules of beeing ct and mfk and accepts new players that read them

  3. what about some titles that aint buyable but achievable


    Passer - Pass 100 to fellow unarmed mates

    Freekillwhore - Get Slayed 200 Times

    1v100 Master - Clutch x times as last ct against 5+ players



    just an idea that was in my head

  4. I often see players leave after map change because everyone forgets to nominate first.

    It would be useful to let the server spam the text-chat with "LAST ROUND BEFORE MAP-VOTE! NOMINATE NOW!"

    With this reminder nobody will forget to nominate first... exept retards. thanks for reading.


    €dit: For jailbreak

  5. Since most of the custom skins suggested in this forum were denied for some reasons (DL time), let me show you my idea for jb_skins. Custom skins should be purchable from the store for like 10 or 20$. With the purchase the guy must link the skin-dl (csgo banana) with the purchase. Only 5 skins can be sold per month. After this, a staff will put the skin in the game. This skin will last for 1 month. After this month that skin will be deleted and other people can purchase skins. With that new players only have to download 5 skins per month and regular players have to download those skins once per month too. Dude can decide if the skin is available for everyone or just for himself. price is set by staff. broken inklish mine is. cya.


    Tl;Dr: minimum dl-time increased, people get what they want, staff with bag full of money.

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