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Posts posted by Skillage

  1. The other clan that I was in had a pretty good server that I liked. It was freeze tag. The game was where the two teams had to knife each other and if you get knifed by the other team you are frozen(like a freeze bomb frozen) and the only way to be unfrozen is to be knifed by your own team. I thought this was a pretty cool server and it was really popular to sooo if you like it or have questions i'm sometimes on here and i'm always on steam.


  2. I'm not sure if its just me or not but i've been having trouble logging in. Everytime I log in it brings me to the redirecting screen and back to the home page where I have to sign in...

  3. I helped my cousin a few months ago do a convert thing using a bottle program(idk) to get steam. It did work but i'm not that sure if it worked well. I found it on youtube and it helped as a guide. Hope this helped.

  4. Hey Everyone,

    I just started on the forums. I play a lot on the sG servers and if I'm not doing that I'm either scrimming with my clan (|eGc|) or on the rpgsurf server where I have admin. The sG servers where I'm mostly on is the minigames and scoutknives. The servers are amazing and the admins are amazing keep it up.


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