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Posts posted by PurethePure

  1. Why when cryptlord got changed impale to shakes on source bcz the impale was too op. So why not change Nelf bcz on Csgo its so op. And evade thorns does happen. And i was shooting with AK

  2. Today i played a game and there was 2 night elfs in enemy team. One round i killed one night elf and got killed by thorns while kiling second one. No enemy player did any other dmg to me then thorns that round that is so stupid. To get over 100 dmg just by headshoting 2 nelfs. Few rounds later one of them nelfs got 1 hp. He was last person against me. I spamed like 1/2 of bizon rounds into him blood everywhere but ENEMY EVADED ENEMY EVADED ENEMY EVADED ENEMY EVADED. He evaded like 20 bullets in row that is su much bullshit. 

  3. I didn't know you had the ability to know exactly why people left, that's amazing.

    I'll leave on maps like office and Italy because we play them all the time, its neat that you take that into account.

    Its also pretty cool that you generalize everything and that its a bad thing that the map synergizes with certain races.

    Also, we already have a war3 player with terrible grammar. Her name is Sweet rock and we don't need another one.

    Edit: Also, a grammar Nazi is someone that rags on you for improper usage of commas, periods, apostrophes, etc... You can't even type out full words.

    Mybe, just maybe. Its the combination my shitty keyboard writing and the fact that i learnt english by myself. But ofc grammar is more important then the information that is being told.

  4. pot36.jpg

    Dolls has been on the server longer than you've been playing Counter Strike, be quiet. 

    U just dont have any real argument just insults and false assumptions. Why dont u just write there that you like dolls and that in your opinion ur opinion is better then others, that would at least be something.


    The dolls map really sucks and its anoying as shit. Every time dolls get choosen like 5 ppl immediately leave. Then like half of the ppl playing enyoj the map(playing lurkers etc.). And the other half that hates the map is just picking zombies etc so they make the map even worse.


    Btw: Who except u cares grammar nazi?

  5. You don't really have to bring back dolls. :rolleyes:  Its the second worst map on da server since hangemlow was added.


    And  if so. Then add more rats maps. I bet there are much better rats maps then dolls.

  6. Yeah but ur the highest level i know about. Think about that, most ppl playing here dont have even half or your overall level yet =D And when u are pro at CS:GO u can pretty much own enemy with any race. But there are also tons of players like me who actually suck at this game and these races are just too weak when u play against 300 level shopkeepers and orcs. Ok i believe ur the third one who has it over 50 but thats imho all.

  7.  In fact Soul Reaper is possibly one of our strongest races.

    What makes it one of the srongest races? The ability has so small range u actually will never use it as dmg but only for healspaming (wich is good).

    The aura does so low dmg enemy can stand on my head for 50 seconds and will not die.

    The heal from deady enemy aoe is also small so mostly u dont get healed even for ur kills.

    And for the ulty yeah that is pretty stronk.


    Btw: If the race is one of the strongest how come there are only 2 ppl who got it over 50 level and play it. I havent seen anyone PLAYING IT (not just exping it) in a really long time. 


    Btw2: Compare it to other races. For instance - Devil Servant, Rpg, Adventurer etc.... Soul Reaper is always the one who sucks.

  8. Yeah and i forgot about every race that has got seting enemy on fire as ulty. Doing 15 dmg cannot seriously be ultimate. Compared to other tons of dmg dealing ultimates. So pls buff ulty of Elemental and Supersoldier and others that i forgot about, bcz teir ultys really sucks now. 

  9. I was playing corrupted disciple on crackhouse and we were like 5 last terorists and everyone had around 20 hp and we were pretty close together. I gone to watch the window and i got headshoted by AWP. Instead of doing damage it healed me and 2 of my teammates around me to full 125hp. Happend to me more times that i got shot and instead of dealing damage it healed me. Pls tell me this is not a bug and its how the 3rd disciples ability supposted to work. But i kinda dont feel that way.


    And the plaguebarers ulty puts on only poison. No 60 explo dmg whatsoever.



    My grim reaper's knife, even when it should have 50% bonus dmg does only 55 as any other race. 

  10. Another races that are slightly underpowered and should recieve a buff are - Soul Reaper

                                                                                                                            - Holy Jugernaut

                                                                                                                            - Luna 

                                                                                                                            - Sidharta ( The first realm sucks so hard ist like playing no race at all. Many races got like 3hp regen overall but this one sucks really hard. And it encourages u to kemp for 30 secs after every fight.

                                                                                                                             - Plaguebarer - Since the 60 dmg explo on ulty dont work and only the poison works, the poison should have like 2 more ticks.


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