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I <3 People of Color

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Posts posted by I <3 People of Color

  1. I got in on the mincraft map and from their we seperated the players, letting the fun begin!

    We gotta do it again!!

    Map before that was annoying since everyone was killable at spawn.

    After MG half of us went to ZM. It's awesome how half the people last night were like LOL I'M GOING TO BE ON ZM EVERYDAY and then no one is online.

  2. Full metal Alchemist Brotherhood


    Naruto Shippuuden

    Death Notes


    C'mon man you can't name it your favorite if you can't even get the name right

    But Death Note is my favorite

  3. I was so glad we got a ton of people playing. Who invited everyone anyways? I joined at like 3/36 and left to piss and came back and it was up to like 9 players where it just shot up.

  4. not really...

    They're very different, but both made up stories for community attention. While we don't know if Prosak completely made it up he at least got caught in his lies.

  5. It's basically this 2D overhead game with horrible graphics, but the depth of the game is amazing. The learning curve is pretty high and the lag can be a bit frustrating (some servers lag more than others but most of the time the lag seems almost natural to the game). But basically there is so many different things to do with this game so I'd start with a tutorial on youtube or the Wiki.

    To give a quick example of the game I'll tell you all a story of when I was a geneticist. So I started out in the lab and put Jackson the monkey into the DNA Modifier and began messing with his enzymes to create a human. Once that was finished I used my limited knowledge of super powers to find any I could, which led to me getting a little annoyed and just creating a ton of monkey DNA syringes. My friend was also on the server at the same time so I let him into my lab, loaded him up with syringes, and we began our journey. We found a lonely little guy all by himself and turned him into a monkey. He began running around all crazy and was eventually turned back into a human while my friend was turning a ton of people into monkeys. Well one of the monkeys got pissed and killed him with a gun to which (luckily) he put his DNA in the cloning machine and so I was able to bring him back in the body of a clone. We then beat the hell out of everyone and turned everyone into monkeys until some dickface traitors killed us and won.

  6. Crisis Core is all you need in my opinion, I played the hell out of that game. Amazing stuff.
    Also loved Crisis Core. I obsessively beat everything in that game, haha. FFT is a great game, and the new translation in the PSP version is outstanding, but I hate how they didn't optimize it for the PSP. The slowdown is unforgivable.

    Anyway, Metal Gear Ac!d 2 is another great call, as are Cladun, Patapon, Dissidia, Tactics Ogre, and the recent FFIV remake.

    These men have it correct with Crisis Core. In my opinion it's such a great game that I bought it near release, lost my psp and sold it, found my psp and so I bought it again.

  7. I know BC commented on him changing his story, and this has all been pretty much been taken care of, but I just now realized how fucking terrible of a liar he is:


    He's like Konah Jr.

  8. to me , a mouse is a mouse. i have a crappy dell mouse that came with my computer and it`s been working perfect for a long time

    Yea I feel the same way. I'm using some shitty Microsoft mouse that I've had for around 5 years. The condition it's in is the only reason I'm proly going to upgrade to the deathadder.

  9. simple, cheap, pretty good and reliable for me and my brother for 1 and 2 years respectively - razer death adder

    That's what I was planning on getting. I've heard that the feel of the mouse is sooo good.

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